
How many of your friends share your name?

by  |  earlier

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surnames don't count.




  1. None. I share mine with a state!

  2. My name is Dina.

    I'm Norwegian, and in my country that is actually quite a rare name. So I do not share it with anyone I know. And I think that is a good thing, because I am *very* big on individuality.. ;)

  3. I used to have a friend that had my birth name, but I haven't seen or heard from them in over 8 years, so now I don't.  But there is a little girl that goes to my church who has the same name that I chose as being a transsexual.  The funny thing is, I chose that name not too long before I first met her.

  4. none of my friends have the same name as me theres only one other girl in my year that has the same name as me

  5. none



  6. One current friend.

    My best friend when I was younger had the same name as me aswell [:

  7. Actually NONE!!!  My real name is Molly, which is not so common and I have met other Mollys briefly but do not know any.

    Now that I've revelaed my real name the stalkers and trolls will come out to get me again. Oh the HUMANITY!!!  

  8. The only person i know with my name is my boyfriends ex. - i guess he likes the name Charlotte!

  9. Four.

  10. 3, and its a laugh when some one says who's paying, and we say

    the name and then all look blank :)

  11. None.

    My name is a lot more popular now among teens and younger than when I was born.

  12. None.

  13. none of my friends share anything. boo hoo.

    seriously - i've known countless others with my given name; but none with my nick

  14. 0 people

  15. I don't think anyone in America has my name. I'm not even kidding.  

  16. I know a lot of boys with my name, but none of them are spelled the same. I've never met anyone or really talked or heard of anyone with the same spelling as my name.

  17. None (unless a friend's Sister counts?)

  18. Not even one!  Not even in the country I was born but I hear that it's very popular in Mexico   LOL.

  19. about 4 that i know..


  20. Not a single one. Wait I dont have any friends with names.

  21. None, but I have relatives with the same first name....guess mum and dad weren't too creative....then again I was the 5th of six kids, could have just got lazy lol

  22. Non but then i share my name with a tree. Good one mum.

  23. None of my friends

    but two of my neighbours do

    but they're creepy 70 year old perverts =[

  24. all the people i knew who had my name, turned out to be stuck up snobs.....i have no friends with my name.

  25. Well there's one person but I wouldn't really say he's my friend...

  26. Not one!

  27. I dont no any one who has the same name! many people ask is that your name haha but i do share my name with an alltime icon...Norma Jean :D

  28. not one !!!

  29. Two.

  30. not one...

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