
How many of your legitimate questions have you had deleted here on GWS?

by Guest61393  |  earlier

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How many of your legitimate questions have you had deleted here on GWS?




  1. At least seven (and probably more.)  I had three deleted this weekend,  Heck I even asked a funny question for morale on GW&S "Do Feminists Mate on the Full Moon" and that was deleted.

    Another deleted question was "do men get their questions deleted more than women."  Most of my questions were legitmate.  The hate mongers

    (report monkeys) couldn't beat the question so they deleted it.  

    Another trick is when you post a question, it usually shows up in the bottom as an open question (I think only the latest four or five show up.)  That gives the newest questions publicity.

    Not all of the men's questions make it down there-

    thus with less publicity, there are less answers.

    I checked this out with another poster who had a question similiar to mine.  His never made it into the open questions spot either.

    For example, normally we scroll downwards when answering questions.  Till we end up at the "open questions" in GWS and closed questions.  

    I suspect there are pairs and maybe even packs of andriods er I mean report monkeys at work here.

  2. 4

  3. Five. None of them by trolls but regular feminist posters I suspect. They didn't exactly win those arguments.

    Despite all the email insults, rants and reporting, I've maintained a no-report no-block policy, because no matter how dirty the opponent fights, you can always win without bringing yourself down to their level. To all the feminists who blocked or reported me, I say this: "I know you feminists are just plain losers, and you blocked/reported me because you know that if given the chance to argue freely with you, I'd make you lose each argument."

  4. Most of least over this weekend. One of the questions, I got a "best answer" for ...and it got deleted, too.

    Looks like yahoo!answers is doing some well needed housekeeping but some of the innocent people are being dinged in the process.

  5. One

  6. Four. By trolls. So I just blocked them and haven't had that problem since.

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