
How many of your parents, grandparents, yourselves, or other family members married the baby's mother/father?

by Guest64504  |  earlier

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...and raised a family?

Happens every day, all the time, right in your own neighborhood and maybe even under your own roof. What an honorable and noble thing to do, and totally in line with family values. Especially with the love and support of your own family.




  1. I have a rather large extended family and there haven't been teenage pregnancies.  Then again our strong family values include s*x education and information around birth control.

  2. At last a decent question. Every family has its skeletons in their closets and young people do make mistakes. This should not be discussed as it has nothing to do with a VP Position. Hilliary was a woman and an absentee Mother for 28 years and yet not one has said she was not a  good mother. i wonder how many in here have had an abortion or a child out of wedlock and that includes men too.

  3. I have a three friends from high school who got pregnant around age 15-17 and married the baby's father. 10 years later, they are all happily married.

    Oh and by the way, we had s*x education and free condoms at my high school.  

  4. "Raises hand".

    My parents never argued in front of us, and my mom was a stay at home mom who cooked (really good too!). We ALWAYS had dinners together as a family.

    I'm one of the lucky ones :-)

    BTW... there were no babies until the marriages.

    We haven't had any divorces in our family or extended family (aunts and uncles and such) at all yet, hopefully it stays that way.

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