
How many of your shots actually make it to print ? What is your shots taken to print ratio ?

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I know that you have to take many many shots to get a few that are actually good photos.

How many of your shots actually make it to print : 1 in 20, 50, 100 ?




  1. I take photographs for many different purposes.Slides and now projected images are used for lectures,prints are not that useful there.Prints,shots are produced for that purpose,one image may run to as many as 200 prints.General viewing on a screen,or for making CDs or DVDs,again not printed.Working with plate cameras,the shooting to print ratio was nigh on 100%.Weddings on 120,we shot 24 to do an album of 18,hoping to sell as many as possible of the others.Catalogue work,again approaching 100%.Now with Digital,there is a tendency to over shoot,or do it just for fun and to make experiments,much of the enjoyment here is in the process of manipulating the images and using art based image effects.Hopefully the end result would be Fine Art prints for exhibition,but it is a great tool for working with artists' groups.

  2. About 1 in 10. More or less the same as when I was using film.

  3. I print a lot of my shots, mainly because they are mostly of family and our daily life.  For wedding shooting, about 80% are keepers.   For travel photography, about the same percentage, but I will only have a few printed as enlargements.   I print more images than many people do.

  4. 1 in 75 approximately but it depends on what I am shooting and reasons behind.

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