
How many officials are allowed in volleyball? How are points scored in volleyball?

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How many officials are allowed in volleyball? How are points scored in volleyball?




  1. well it depends what division u r in and the scoring will be different as well how many matches u play. so yeah

  2. there is one up ref and a down ref..a score table with one person scoring the book, a libero tracker, the scoreboard person, and two line judges. You score a point if the other team, misses a serve, is in the net, under the net, hits it 4 times, their player hits it 2 times in a row, lifts it, doesnt get it back over the net in 3 hits, or just over all lets it touch the ground. The other team scores if u do all the same, or u hit/seve it out of bounds. THe ball landing on a line is a point for the team who hit it

  3. Not so fast my friend, while the previous response gave accurate information in reguards to how points are scored, the number of officials is incorrect.  In a volleyball match there is an up ref a down ref and two line judges.

  4. There's an up ref, a down ref, and 2 line judges!!! GET IT RIGHT PPL!!

  5. 2 officials, and we play up to 25 points, some play up to 15.

  6. hey,

        What's up? Volleyball is an Olympic sport in which two teams separated by a high net use their hands, arms, or (rarely) other parts of their bodies to hit a ball back and forth over the net. Each team is allowed three hits to get the ball over the net to the other team. A point is scored if the ball hits the ground in the opponents' court, if the opponents commit a fault, or if the opponents fail to return the ball properly.To get play started, a team is chosen to serve by coin toss. When the ball contacts the floor within the court boundaries or an error is made, the team that did not make the error is awarded a point, whether they served the ball or not. The team that won the point is awarded the right to serve for the next point. If the team that won the point served in the previous point, the same player serves again. If the team that won the point did not serve the previous point, the players of the team rotate their position on the court in a clockwise manner. The game continues, with the first team to score 25 points (and be two points ahead) awarded the set. Matches are best-of-five sets and the fifth set (if necessary) is usually played to 15 points. (Scoring differs between leagues, tournaments, and levels; high schools sometimes play best-of-three to 30; in the NCAA games are played best-of-five to 30.

    There is only one official allowed in vollyball. Hope this helps you out.

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