
How many ohms resistance shold be put in a electrical tester. Can LED replace the bulb in tester. I?

by  |  earlier

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If yes then is diode reqd. in parallel or series




  1. Not enough info. What kind of tester, what bulb, what circuit is bulb in? Etc. What voltage does bulb need to light? A led can replace most bulbs in many aplications but I need a lot more info before I could answer your question. If all else fails feel free to email me via my profile and I will help as best as I can.

    I won't advertise here so I don't post my URL on Y/A.

  2. What do you mean? The LED will glow when theres a "continuity" between two terminals. And if there is a resistance, you can read the value in ohms. My tester don't have that LED continuity indicator but I remembered that even in higher resistance the glow and brightness of the LED does not change. The LED is connected in a transistor switch. So even if you pull out the LED you can still test for continuity and it does not alter the tester's reading...

    I'm sorry I just figure out that you are refering to a different tester, not a multitester. I don't know if it is LED since we can also use it in alternating current, and LED don't normally work on AC and if it is LED you will need a diode in series and a dropping resistor depending on the voltage rating of the LED. Use ohms law..

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