
How many olympic medals will Canada get?

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Congratulations Team Canada!;_ylt=AgX921aMsnfFONVa.y_FC3YTv5V4

You had us worried for awhile there:;_ylt=Aq_OhuR4JOm_z1c_58IXu0Hty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080812085618AAN08Yp




  1. 383  athletes !  

    45 million spent for 16 days.

    only 2 golds........

    Big Failure.


  2. At this moment we have 9

    2 gold, 3 silver and 4 bronze

    The Games are not over yet! Do not count us out of the rest yet!

    Edit: How about that Simon Whitfield! Intense suspense to the end! :o)

  3. Canada participates in the summer olympics - in what sport?

  4. So we're at what, 9 now?  I think we can count on Adam van Koeverden for at least 1 (possibly 2) unless something goes horribly wrong.  Simon Whitfield runs the triathlon tomorrow (I believe) but I don't think it's likely he's going to medal.  Alexandre Despatie advanced to the semis of the 3m springboard, he definitely has a shot.  Unfortunately, I don't know many of the athletes other than the big names (e.g. I definitely did not think we would win 2 medals in wrestling!).  I'm hoping we win at least 4 or 5 more.  Maybe the synchro team?

    Edit: Wow, so I was WAY wrong about Simon Whitfield.  Good for him though.  And what an intense finish too!

  5. well we currently have 9 (2 gold, 3 silver, 4 bronze)  they'll definatley get more bronze and silver and i think they're probably going ot get gold in a few of thier upcoming finals.especially in rowing

  6. think they might get 2 gold

  7. 9 the last time I looked at my iGoogle app.


    (can you tell I'm not a fan? )

  9. Deja vue...I thought I answered this already but I guess not.

    I would say 20 or at least 15

    why...since we have one tenth the population of the US and the US should end up with 125 - 150 in total. They're at 76 right now in total.

    We're at 10 right now with at least 4 sure things on the horizon so 15 should be a slam dunk and with a little luck 20 is doable.

    At the Vancouver 2010 Winter games we should clean up much like China is doing now despite still being behind the US in total medals yet having 4 times the population.

  10. so far they have only 2

    i bronze and the other silver

  11. LOL I hope more than we have now!!  Oh the humanity!  I'm hoping we will be redeemed during the winter olympics. It's my only hope!  

  12. Canada will get 5 olympic medals

  13. they have 9 medals so far so i'm guessing like 20 at least?? i dunno.

  14. pretty sure... we are just one of of those countries on the bottom again .


  15. i have no idea, as you can see we've surpassed my expectations already, i was scared there for a while. i think last time we only got 8, so we're improving on that already.  my guess is less than fifteen. but   comeoooooooooon double digits. my new hope for no reason whatsoever is sailing... aaaand men's trampoline, show me trampoline. oh and horses, i'm feeling the horses.  

    place your bets.


  16. I think they can get at least 15.

    they already have 9 and there's a week left.

    so go canada!

    and i'm sure they'll do better in the winter olympics.

  17. Yea it was weird being this deep in the olympics and not having any medals.  It was even over the news saying the prime minister of canada was starting to get worried and everything.  I'm sure they exaggerated that a bit.

    But now that they've crossed that hurdle of winning no.1 I'm sure they'll win a few more.  Perhaps about 7 or 8.  

  18. Canada will probably wind up with double what it now has so about 15 in summer.

    In 2010 Vancouver we'll own the podium according to BC government... wait and see on that

  19. until 19-8-2008 the medals are 9

    There are: 2 gold, 3 silver, 4 bronze

  20. just as long as we have more medals than North Korea and Mongolia, I'm happy.

  21. 3.5

  22. Well she asked how many Canada will get, not how many they have. I think they still have a good chance at getting 4 or 5 more, although they don't seem to have any chance at getting overall best, that will go to China.

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