
How many on here own vegetarian/vegan cookbooks?

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I'm asking because I see many questions by new veggies asking for recopies, because they eat only boca burgers, etc.

I have hundreds of good recopies collected from news groups, veggie web sites and forums like this, but I also have a nice collectoin of veggie cookbooks.

I'm a 52yo vegetarian, so I've been around before the internet.




  1. I have two vegetarian cookbooks - but usually go for just the regular cookbook and alter recipes to fit my dietary needs.  Have had no problems with doing that.

    At 54 - it doesn't take much for me to figure out how to adapt any recipe.  It isn't like I am just learning to cook.

  2. I have a shelf full of them; I bought my first vegetarian recipe book in 1969 - I can see it on the shelf from where I'm sitting: Modern Vegetarian Cookery by Walter and Jenny Fliess. I pretty much learned to cook from it.

    I still buy vegan cook books from time to time and I've found a few good recipes on the internet; but I don't use recipes that much any more.

    55, since we're fessing up about our ages

  3. I have about 5 vegetarian cookbooks, including the following:

    Vegan With A Vengenace

    Vegan Fire & Spice

    Buddha's Table

    Flavors of Korea

    Vegan Baking

    But just like you, I also collect recipes online as well as posting them. Check out my recipes at with pictures. :)

  4. yes i have books but also collect them from the internet...

  5. I have several, more vegetarian than vegan, didn't replace them when I went vegan, just adapted the recipes!  But saying that I have found hundreds of lovely recipes on the web, I print them off and keep in a folder, some vegan books are really expensive!

  6. I have nearly 10 vegan cookbooks, some printouts from the internet, and recipes from Vegetarian Times.

    I do most of my cooking from books and I try to make a brand new recipe every two-three days.

    Some of the books I own:

    Vegetarian Meat and Potatoes Cookbook


    How It All Vegan!

    La Dolce Vegan

    The Garden of Vegan

    The Veggie Lover's Cookbook

    Student's Go Vegan Cookbook

    Vegan With a Vengeance

    Vegan World Fusion Cuisine

    The Complete Guide to Raw Foods

    Sinfully Vegan

    I have "The Uncheese Cookbook" and "Vegan Fire and Spice" on order.

    By the way, my favorite book so far with the best recipes is the "Vegetarian Meat and Potatoes Cookbook" by Robin Robertson.  Everything I have made in there is great.

  7. I just get vegan  recipes online. This way I get the ones I REALLy want.

  8. I've got 4 cookbooks and a lot of transcribed recipes.

  9. The only cookbooks I ever had were gourmet-ish ones.  All the stuff was extremely difficult to make and called for hard to find ingredients.

    I never found any better ones, but I really didn't look much either.

    I prefer to find recipes on the internet and on here because I like tried and true recipes.  That's why when I ask people for a good recipe I never choose an answer if it's just a link to a recipe website.  I can google "vegetarian recipes" on my own.

    I really can't afford to do too much experimenting on my cooking because our grocery budget is not very high.

    I'd rather ask you because you have tried more recipes:)

  10. I have...around 10, I think. Not that many veggie cookbooks are available in Norwegian, and getting the ingredients / measurements right can sometimes be a bit...challenging  with the English / American ones.

  11. I have quite a few veg cookbooks, and I also check a couple of websites when I'm in the need for a good recipe.  I have one omni cookbook I got years ago, and I've veganized some of the meaty recipes.

  12. Yes, I own about 15 that I've collected over the past 12 years. My favorite that I use most often is The Compassionate Cook by  Peta. Everything in there is delicious!

  13. I think Indians make some of the best vegetarian food in the world here is the indian cookbook I use.

  14. I got a bunch of ethnic cookbooks. There are tons of Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, Indian, and Eastern European foods that are completely meat free and that don't have identity problems like some of the foods in vegetarian cookbooks.

    They are not meant to taste like meat, they taste good by themselves

  15. Yep, I own three good ones and three crappy, hand-me-down, 1970s cast-offs. :-)

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