
How many organisations can Ben sue ?

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Maybe someone from the west has their ear close to the ground on how the case will go for Ben Cousins.Or better still, a legal eagle, or even better than that, Ben himself..




  1. I AM an English teacher - and those who live by the sword, my dear... ;) Are you sure it's "whomever" in this context? If the English teacher is the subject of the sentence, and not the object, it should be "whoever".

    As for ol' Benny-boy unleashing the litigation lion, the ABC has confirmed he's considering suing the police, although no-one is sure exactly what for yet. We're all on the edge of our seats, of course.

  2. Well, he'll have some trouble getting anything to stick.  It seems the press have picked up on, but perhaps sensationalised, official reports from  the WA Police.  The Police are very difficult to sue.  My only question would be how much information did they give out compared to a situation where Joe Bloggs had been busted with something dodgy.

    To establish libel, he would have to establish that the information published was false, that it was unfounded and that it damaged.  There's no doubt about the last one at all, but any publisher or commentator can say they relied on official reports and the facts of Ben's history which are not in dispute.  The size of the damage would be very difficult to establish because his reputation was already in tatters.

    The mistake that was made by many, including me, was forgetting about the little, inconsequential (:-S) 'innocent until proven guilty' part of our law.

    And in Australia and England (where the English language was invented) the correct way to spell organisations is with an 's' not a 'z'.  The correct way to spell 'spell' is S-P-E-L-L not S-P-E-E.  Not our problem if the Pilgrims couldn't spell.)

  3. he should sue your english teacher or whomever tought you to spee organization that way

  4. Either spelling of organisation is acceptable in modern Australian English, don't go apologising.

  5. I prefer the letter 's' for spelling and I avoid American style of English.  

    As for our Mr Ben Cousins suing anyone, or any organisation - good luck.  He created this situation by his own actions and should suffer the consequences.  Whilst he is a very talented athlete, he was foolish to throw it all away.  A chance that many young men would welcome and not be so foolish.  We don't hear of Chris Judd running from booze buses or consuming drugs.

    To quote an old AFL commercial

    "Ben Cousins suing for his problems?"

    " I'd like to see that!"

  6. Geeez, I thought I was in the wrong catergory for a minute - who the h**l died and made everyone English teachers around here!!!

    Ben best just go away and concentrate on his rehab and forget about suing.  It will just drag up more dirt, more stress and thats certainly not what he needs right now.

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