
How many oscars can I fit in this size tank?

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Thinking about getting some baby (around 2 inch) oscars for a new 4 foot tank (around 140 litres) how many could i fit in it bearing in mind that I am going to keep them until they are quite large. And a fluval 304 external filter for filteration (for 300 litre tanks) Thanks alot




  1. do not get more than about six. if they disagree with each other and when they grow up they will need there own space.  

  2. Probably only one because they get really big and if you get to one of them will kill the other over territory, unless you get a couple when they are babies and when they get bigger get rid of the rest and keep your favorite.

  3. First of all a 30 gallon tank will not be suitable for the rest of their lives,

    and why would you go buy a fish and wait till it gets to big and then give it away? just go get a smaller size fish and keep it for the rest of its life.

  4. Tank is a bit small for keep any Oscars.

    You could get one (or several) smaller cichlids though. Something that only grows to around 6" long. Convict or Firemouth maybe?


  5. That tank is only 35 gallons, the minimum for 1 oscar is 55 gallons, and 75 gallons is better. for more that 1 oscar you need a 100+ gallon tank. No, you can not even put 1 oscar in there. You can look into dwarf cichlids, a community thnk of those would be cool!

  6. That all depends on how many films you have taken part in... (and whether they were good enough...)...

    lots of ellipses there...

  7. 140 litres is 28 UK gallon and that's 12 UK gallon short of what you need for one Oscar.

    Try this link I think you will find all the information on keeping these particular fish, just remember the US gallon is smaller and I'm assuming you are in the UK because you spell litre rather than liter.

  8. If it's 140 litres, that's only about 37 gallons......I recommend 0 oscars for that tank size.  Absolute minimum should be 55 gallons/208 litres,and even then, it's difficult to maintain the water quality in that.  They won't grow large in that small tank.  

  9. Whoops, I thought it was 140 gallons. Max of two then. for that size.

    Ok, as you probably know, Oscars are cichlids, and cichlids are about dominance. The maximum amount of Oscars you should have in a tan at any one time, no matter the size is relatively the same. A suitable amount for a tank of that size however, varies in comparison to the smaller size of a tropical tank. I would suggest a top of 4-5 Oscars, and a mix of some Algae Eaters, to balance the dominance level. Make sure they have enough food, and if the start to fight (this may sound obvious) but...feed them more food, it will quite them down, and in a due amount of time, they will break down the fighting.

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