
How many others are in the same predicament as myself?

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Life insurance policies that people destroy out of spite? I know for a fact that insurance companies do not come out and say ' heard your parent died, where do you want us to send the money that you are the beneficiary of'. Do you, who are listening agree that maybe some legeslation should be written in our states to make it mandatory for companies to do so??




  1. It is the insured's responsibility to let the  beneficiaries know that there is life insurance in force.  If the insured dies you do not need a policy to collect.  A good place to start is looking at the bank account for drafts from insurance companies.  This will give you a good idea of who is the insurer for the person that died.  If you need help with this my agent is great you can find him at

  2. I disagree with you. It's not, and shouldn't be, the insurance company's responsibility to keep close tabs on all their policy holders. Plus, it's just not feasible. The big life insurance companies like AIG & Primerica have MILLIONS of policies written. It would be IMPOSSIBLE for them to keep tabs on all of them. Ever heard the expression, "bring the man to the mountain, not the mountain to the man"?? I understand your logic on this one, but I don't think your solution is practical. We need LESS government control on private business, not more.

  3. based on your condition,I believe you should find something useful here.

  4. Many, many people can't find a life insruance policy.  It doesn't matter.  You don't need the hard policy to file the claim.

    Insurance companies have NO way of finding out someone died, until AFTER the claim is filed.

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