
How many ounces of breastmilk do you freeze at a time for your baby??

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I am starting to stock up, but don't know how much my 4 week old baby will drink at each feeding? how many ounces does your baby drink?




  1. When my baby was a newborn i would freeze them ar 4oz. It doesnt mean that he or she will drink the 4oz but you have to estimate on how much you think he will be drinking in a couple weeks. After a while i went up to 6 or 7 oz Its all up to you on how much you produce too.

  2. It depends on when and how you're going to use the milk. Babies' requirements change dramatically over the first year of life (and vary from baby to baby). For example, when my daughter was 6 months, she would take 7 oz (about 200ml) at her last feed but her other feeds were usually no bigger than about four ounces (125ml). I've heard some people say that you should freeze breastmilk in batches of 4oz, which is a large enough amount to be useful but not so large that you're throwing away a lot of milk. A four week old baby probably won't finish that much milk in one go but if you're planning on giving the milk to someone else to feed your baby you'll probably frighten them if you give them much less than 3oz (80ml). You might try giving your baby a bottle of expressed milk to see how much he or she drinks. I know that some people say you should wait a little longer to avoid nipple confusion but if breastfeeding's going well there shouldn't be a problem. I started my daughter with a bottle of expressed milk at three weeks and fed her successfully for the first year. My second child is six weeks old and she takes 60-100ml from a bottle in the evening, but she takes over two hours to do it.

  3. At 4 weeks, 2-4 ounces is a good amount.  As they get older, 4-6 and 6-8 as necessary.  And with breast milk you can thaw and heat 4 ounces in warm water, put it in the fridge and its fine if you want to use it again later.  As long as you dont refreeze it.

  4. freeze about 3ozs at a time. listen 2 your baby. If he averages 4ozs a feed give another ounce and next time give 4-5 ozs. once he starts to regularly finish that move up an oz etc. Baby knows best!    

  5. i haven't had my baby yet but i am planning on freezing it in 1 oz servings in a silicone ice cube tray. that way i can chose how much to defrost at a time and there will be less wasted if it's not used since you can't re-freeze it. i got these ice cube trays and they are pretty awesome

  6. I would go with 4 oz.  They should be able to drink that much in one or two sittings, easily.

    I found that when I stored larger quantities I would end up wasting 2-4 oz.  

    Storage bags are cheap, breastmilk is priceless.

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