
How many ounces or mL in bottle?

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My 3.5 week old son is breastfed, primarily by giving him the breast, but I also pump and he gets 1-2 bottles per 24 hours. Mainly to get him used to when I return to work but also at night my husband gives him one bottle so I can get some sleep. Anyhow, how do I know how many milliliters (or ounces) of milk he needs in each bottle without overfeeding him? When we left the hospital he was one week old and taking between 45-50 mL each bottle. Now he seems to need more but not sure how much more to offer without overfeeding him. Any advice?




  1. Start with 4 oz and see if that satisfys him.

  2. We have to play it by ear. My baby is 7 weeks and we give her one or two bottles a day. At first she took about 4oz and then around 4 weeks she started taking about 5 or 6. She has reflux too so we tend to use more if she spits up but I suggest warming 6 oz and then adding more if she looks like she will need it but sometimes my baby stops at about 6. I wouldn't feed more than 5 or 6 oz at 4 weeks because the tummy is still so little.

  3. At 3.5 weeks he should be talking about 2 ounces. But he will let you know when he is done eating. He will refuse the bottle or just stop drinking it, just like on the breast. There really is no difference, unless you stop him after a certain amount of time. He will let you know when he is full.

  4. I would start out offering 4 oz at a time.  He will either not drink all of it, or still be hungry after it's gone.  If he still seems hungry add another ounce and if he doesn't finish it, I would keep putting 4 ounces in the bottle b/c he's going eat that much soon:)

    Good Luck!

  5. I really don't think you can over feed him. If he doesn't want anymore he will stop sucking. If he seems to be drinking the whole bottle and wanting more then put some more in the bottle.

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