
How many out there are truly happy with your marriage?

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Just curious as to how many couples out there are happy with eachother, kids and all. I've been married 11yrs today and feel somewhat happy. We have our ups and downs alot, have 2 kids and expecting one more but did catch my husband cell phone cheating with his co worker in July of this year. I feel weird and not as secure as I did before. I obviously love him and he seems sincere and remorseful, but I feel turned off by him attempting to talk to someone else in a emotional level..and especially while I am pregnant..WTF, will we ever be happy?




  1. I am! I am! I am!!!!

  2. We are coming up on 12 years and are quite happy with our marriage.

    I have never had any doubts about my husband or our relationship. We have three children and have survived ups and downs(financial difficulties and a tour in Iraq)

  3. I don't think marriage makes a person happy or unhappy.  I believe that a person has to either be happy or unhappy to begin with.  Marriage can make you miserable, life can make you miserable, pulling out an ingrown can make you miserable- but some times in life, if it's something that you really WANT TO or HAVE TO do, it's not easy.

    There are people who have a hard time trainign for the Olympics, but they'd be miserable in another way (a damaging way) if they didn't do what they felt they needed to do.

    So, in everything in life- you have to decide that times WILL BE TOUGH- so you have to decide to pick your battles, by only choosing the things in life YOU REALLY WANTED.

    Anything you really wanted (including a person) always comes with the good and the bad.

    But if you really want it to work out, you have to take the pain as well.

  4. well we feel happy the most when we have our up and down ,. other wise we Bitching at each other, get into argument so we can come back to have more up and down for make up

  5. I am.

    My husband and i have been happily married 17+yrs and our marriage has been nothing but a blessing for us.

    He is a wonderful and sweet man who treats me like a queen so there is no reason NOT to be happy.


  7. Well my opinion is that it is going to be very very hard for you 2 to be happy but it is defiantly possible with a lot of hard work.Infidelity is one of the only things besides abuse that I think is a reason to get a divorce because it is so hard to deal with on both sides.I think you should both seek counseling because if you don't you may be fine for now but in a year or so you may not be able to handle it anymore,problems have a way of sneaking back up on you.I hope this helps at least a little.And you should have a heart to heart with your husband and tell him that you are still with him because you want to work on this.Good luck with hubby and baby.

  8. I am...granted when I married him I was 53 and a divorced mother of 4 adult kids, he doesn't have any children so that wasn't a problem, especially since my kids really like him too (he's a sweetheart). We are each others best friends and we trust, respect,support, genuinely like, and cherish each other and that makes all the difference

  9. My husband and I are truly happy. It is possible to have a happy marriage!  We are faithful, best friends, and love each other dearly.  If I found out he ever cheated (even on a cell phone), I would leave him.  I think you and your husband need to go to counseling if you want to resolve this.  He obviously has some issues underlying his behavior and they need to be addressed.  I would feel disgusted too if my husband tried to connect with someone else on an intimate level.  Good Luck!

  10. I would have to say that I am happy sometimes and unhappy sometimes, it depends on how the day goes.  After some time, it is not easy to stay happy all the time.  Marriage is a daily job, making sure that you don't hurt each others feelings.   With a child on the way, I would not recommend leaving the guy to find that happiness.  Try making some happiness - maybe a night at the movies or something that you two are doing together.

  11. I am SOOOO happy with my marriage, I am not happy with interest rates right now tho, trying to buy our first home. :P

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