
How many out there have been told they were having a girl but in your heart you knew it was a boy?

by  |  earlier

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At 18 weeks i was told i was carrying a boy!!! yeah. already have two girls. and then at 20 weeks i was told I was carrying a girl? But in my heart I know its a boy.




  1. A close friend of mine was told she was having a girl up to 4 days before she delivered.  She went in for an ultrasound and was told that her little boy was doing great and should be arriving shocked she was!   So, Babies R Us was very kind in taking back just about every single girl thing she had gotten at her shower.  Good luck with whatever you have.

  2. After having 4 children it had always been my experience that an ultrsoud tech could not revel the s*x of the baby. You know what? In my heart I KNEW what I was carrying also except for my last. My baby girl shocked the heck out of me after having 3 boys and being pregnant at 40! It's a wonder I carried her at all after all the shock! lol.

  3. I cannot speak from personal experience, but I know that my mom always told us that that the doctor told her that she was having a boy with her first and it was a girl and she was told it was a boy with her second (me) and it was a girl and when the doctor told her that her third was a girl she knew it was going to be a boy and it was. That was all about 20 some years ago but still the doctors are not always right.  Female intuition is a big predictor with many things not just pregnancy

  4. No, i doubt it. The scans are pretty accurate. Maybe you are focusing on it because you really want a boy.

  5. that sucks it happend to me what r u craving i craved meat and protein, with my girls i craved fruit vaggies and things like that with my last pregnancy i was told it was a boy and new for a fact it was a girl in my heart ....... I had a girl..... I have 2 girls and 2 boys

  6. Those ultrasounds are pretty accurate especially towards the end of your pregnancy.  Towards the end, the baby is better developed and you get a better chance to see what the baby is.  Sometimes, it can make a mistake if the baby is laying in a way that the boy genitals are hidden.  With my first, I really wanted a boy but had a girl.  I knew toward the end that it might be a girl because whenever I would walk into a baby department at the store, for some reason I was drawn towards looking at the baby girl section.  I based this on just my feeling I had inside and sure enought I had a little girl.  No matter what you have, you will be happy.  You have been given this wonderful gift, so treasure the baby whether boy or girl.  Many people would love to be able to have a baby, but can't for some reasons.  Consider yourself blessed!  Good Luck and Congratulations!

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