
How many outfits do you have for school?

by  |  earlier

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  1. not many.


    weeell i just have clothes to mix and match.

  2. Probably 2 different weeks worth

  3. i have enough for at least 2 weeks of all different clothes.

  4. i have the clothes that i already have .. i'm saving for a car..forget the clothes!!

  5. i dont really have outfits persay but i have alot of clothes that i can mix and match into outfits

  6. I MILLION. i have SOOOOO MUCH CLOTHES. my friends say i'm spoiled. i don't think i am.

  7. one, i wear a uniform

  8. A lot :)) lol

    I probably have around 25-30 tops/shirts, 8 or 9Vests/Jackets/see through things, 9 pants or so, 10 scarves/neck things, about 15 shoes, a couple of hats, 7 or 8 skirts, and about 10 dress, lots of jewelry, probably 3 or 4 belts, and lots of shorts/sweatpants (I neverrrrr wear them to school :)) ) Oh and I have I think 5 pairs of leggings (but 2 of them I cut up for other projects) and a couple of thigh highs.

    Also, its not all that Abercrombie, AE, Areo, Hollister, stuff by the way so everything I have is unique and mix n match perfect.

  9. At least 687. Thats just me tho.  

  10. i went to hot i have like 4 shirts and like 2 pants

  11. I have:

    15 shirts

    3 tank tops

    1 pair of shorts

    8 pairs of jeans

    and 5 pairs of shoes =)

    Some of that is from my birthday though.

    Sweet sixteen = 6 days <3

  12. This is a really stupid question.

    Who cares? Does it matter if someone owns more clothes than another person? Does status really matter so much that you would even make this a question? What about mixing and matching, because then technically one would own more outfits just for the fact they can reassemble their clothing options. I seriously think Y! Answers needs an age limit, with stupid questions like these and 12 year old girls always asking "HELP I THINK IM PREGNET?" (Spelled incorrectly on purpose)

  13. well i have like 5 shirts and 3 pairs of jeans, well i have more stuff but thats the only stuff i wear, i'm hoping to get more cuz my birfday is in two day!

  14. 4

  15. i got 5 new outfits for the first week of school!

  16. I just got a bunch of different things that you can put together to make cute outfits.You know like shirts, tanks, jeans, jackets, belts etc. I got a lot of acessories too. Accessoies make the outfit. :)

  17. umm..well what i usually do is get alot of basics and wear them with other stuff .

    like i have a bunch of graphic tees and weird stuff but then also some plain tee shirts and stuff like that .

    so i have around 140 for the whole school year wich is 180 days .

    and sometimes i have to repeate outfits .  

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