
How many packhorses would it take to move this load ?

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"Britains 'industrial Revolution' would probably have failed without the canal system."

Approximately how many packhorses would it take to carry a load that could be moved in a canal barge pulled by one horse??




  1. one horse no need for any boats if you gets a strong enough horse

  2. Good reasoning Mercia, can`t argue with that answer.

  3. A 72 foot (maximum length on british waterways) could easily carry 25 tons,,,,a horse could probably carry 3 cwt ,so that`s at least 7 horses / ton,,so that`s 175 horses / 25 tons

  4. narrow boat payload was often up to 50 tons when it was high density stuff like minerals

    A pack horse carries about a person - - 150lbs.

    thats 666 packhorses to move 100,000 lb

    Who's going to carry the hay ?? I know, we could use a narrow boat for that.....oh no, wait, eeerrrr that'll be another bunch of pack horses..Then who's going to carry thier hay....oh, my brain hurts now.

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