
How many pages do I have to write everyday on my blog to earn money from google adsesne ?

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How many pages do I have to write everyday on my blog to earn money from google adsesne ?




  1. It is very easy to earn money with I have been paid by them already twice.It is very easy job.Just we have to visit ads given in the account for 30 sec each.Then they pay us.TO earn more we should have some referrals. More the referrals…More u earn..So the procedure is explained below.

    Actual Procedure to earn in

    1) Register here.  ( Click Here)

    (While registering if u does not have paypal account,

    Just give Ur present email as paypal email, U can

    Create paypal account with that email ID afterwards)

    2) After registering login into

    3) Click on "surf ads" link in the top

    4) U can find many ad links there.Click on any one link.Ad opens in new window

    Then a countdown starts and it ends after 30 sec. then U will be paid.

    5) Follow the same procedure for all ad links.

    6) Open only 1 ad at a time.

    7) check balance and other things in “ My stats “ Tab

    For Creating Paypal/ Alert pay Account:-

                 1)Skip this step if u already own a paypal account

                      Go to and sign up

                      Create a paypal premier account (this is for free)

                      When asked to give credit card details click on CANCEL

  2. Adsense will not bother how many page you want to write as long as you can bring the visitor and click on the ads. In other words, even you not update yourblog for a year but you get visitor and click on the ads, you will still get pay.

    On the other hand, please remember that traffic exchange or fraud click is against the adsense TOS

  3. The number os pages doesn't really count as long as your write ups are so captivating you'll earn from your craft.

  4. Earn money without investment of even a single dollar..its real believe me...just give me 3 minutes to explain...and it may change your life!!!

    see here it will not take more then wat i said::::


  5. Enough to keep people returning and clicking on your ads.

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