
How many pages on microsoft word does my story have to be.?

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It is in copperplate gothic font and size 12 how many pages does it have to be for it to be the length of a full book




  1. well deppending on how many pages you want i your book. its normaly 3 A5 (book size) pages to an A4 paper (standerd ms word paper size) good luck with your book  

  2. By book, I assume you mean "novel."

    It's not number of pages, but number of words. A novel, traditionally, is 40,000 words (or more).

    If you're submitting a manuscript to be published, please don't use Copperplate font. Typically you'll use a mono spaced font like Courier or Courier New. Above all else, check the submission guidelines at the company you're submitting to.

    Standard lengths:

    Novel: 40,000+

    Novella: 17,500 to 39,999

    Novelette: 7,500 to 17,499

    Short Story: <7,500

    Flash fiction: <1,000

    Word count in MS Word 2003 is under Tools>Word Count (your version may be different).

    Based on your poor forming of the question, might I suggest some basic English Writing courses before you get too serious about book writing. Editors will throw out manuscripts with bad punctuation and spelling without giving them a second glance.

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