
How many paid green lobbyists vs. fossel fuel lobbyists are there?

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Take about turning an argument around. It is been postulated that the green lobby for money making purposes are advocating environmental health. This absurd concept is no different than saying, "I know what you are but what am I"

Just to put things in perspective there are about 2 paid pharmacuetical lobbyists for ever member in congress and have recently bilked the american tax payer out of untold billions of dollars by putting a clause in a medicare bill that stipulated that the government could not negotiate the price of pharmaceuticals with them. The VA currently pays three times less for there drugs. This is outright greed and corruption. Wake up America!

It all reminds me of the movie thank you for not smoking. Paying someone to manipulate the American publics perception. It is nothing but pure and simply evil.




  1. I love cheaper, cleaner fuel and HATE AL GORE!!!!!

    His "Incontinent Proof" mockumentary is the worst blast of self-loving hypocrisy yet. He actually managed to out-poo Michael Moore.

    Nickel Johann's answer is correct, though. And, as a Reagan Republican (now for Dr. Ron Paul), I have to agree that green fuels more market friendly than ever.

    Even if pollution did not result from using it (it does, I've seen exhaust fumes kill within seconds!), the staggering growth in demand for fuel has caused the price to sky-rocket.

    GasoLaden is one sorry option, as fuels go. The worst.

    I've never understood how my fellow conservatives could get this wrong.

    Please take a second look at this issue.


  2. funny you should mention smoking....

    (and i'm not antismoking, i smoke myself, just anti- shadowy groups spreading pseudoscience and propaganda)

    land of the free tuba....i guess they dont believe in the passive smoking research either, bit inconvenient. i only smoke outside these days. miners used to chew baccy, as you might imagine they had a high incidence of mouth and throat cancers. maybe they are easier to treat?

  3. The movie you're thinking of, I believe, is

    "Thank you for smoking"

    You have an extra not in there.

    Thumb down givers:  What?  I just wanted him to be correct while he was talking down to everyone.

  4. one lobbyist is one to many

  5. Eco-lobbying is big business.  Greenpeace is a huge money machine, and many of the other lobby groups are a front for Al Gore's emissions-trading company.

  6. Every industry has the right to defend its interest.

    What I DO NOT UNDERSTAND is why technologies green technologies until recently received less support as they present the following advantages:

    - decreased climate impact

    - increased energy independence

    - reduce cost of health/environmental damage

    - do not reduce the future availability of resources

    - decreased geostrategic risk

    - inmproved trade balance

    - increased number of domestic jobs

    - lower concentration of the profit

  7. Holy Cow, LittleRobberGirl!

    “The states’ legal crusade against the tobacco industry will one day rank as one of the worst developments in American public law in the twentieth century,”

    "Another reason to oppose the current campaign against smokers is because it violates the legitimate rights of smokers"

    "Anti-smoking activists give smokers a stark choice: Stop smoking or die! In fact, there is a third path: reduce the harm by shifting to less-hazardous kinds of tobacco products. For example, moving from unfiltered to filtered cigarettes, and from regular to “low tar” cigarettes, both appear to reduce the risk of lung cancer. Switching from cigarettes to chewing tobacco dramatically reduces the health risk."

    Their advice about Tobacco is every bit as good as their advice about Climate.  Apparently they're not just ignorant, they're insane!

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