
How many panadols or paracetemols would it take to cause an overdosage?

by Guest64789  |  earlier

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How many panadols or paracetemols would it take to cause an overdosage?




  1. depends on s*x age and other factor

    consult doctor

  2. If you're trying to kill yourself, don't atempt an OD, it's not pretty, and will more than likely cause liver damage then kill you. Even if it was sucessful, it'd be a slow, painful death.

    To answer the question, anything over the stated dose is technically an overdose, so even 9 in a day. In order to damage ones body, it is dependant on tollerance levels to said drug, height, weight, s*x etc.

  3. It varies by person.  You are much more likely to cause liver damage than you are to actually kill yourself.  That would be pretty stupid.

    If you accidentally doubled your dose (forgot you took some and then took more) once you'll be fine, don't make a habit of it though.

  4. Hey..hey.....I don't want u to do that.......

    And how can one know its answer........?? the one who would have caused an overdosage......must b sick or dead !!

    Do u want to .......???

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