
How many pans of blood is in a man and how many in a woman?

by Guest58449  |  earlier

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How many pans of blood is in a man and how many in a woman?




  1. would that be a non stick pan

  2. i have pints, not pans,baby!

  3. Pans?...what pans...?

  4. You will need a very large pan, may I sugest a spit and a drip tray, although nothing can compare with fresh blood from the vein, if you would rather use a pan then thats fine. A crystal wine glass would be more refined.

  5. Is that frying pans or sauce pans?

  6. on average 9 pints for a man and eight for a woman

  7. no pans in my body

  8. not sure about men but my ex filled up 18 pans, but thats figuring in the olive oil too

  9. Ah! It depends on the size of the pans-look in Google.

  10. men have 8 pans  woman have no pans .. in ther bodys.. but in there hands ha ha ha ...

  11. There are about eight pans of blood in men and women.  Together making sixteen pans in all from a couple of same.

    Not sure what the next link is exactly - something about pans of blood and such : -

    Alton Brown cooks hagis Text - Physics Forums Library .... Drop a pan

    of intestines in the dirt, no big deal, spill a pan of blood in the dirt, ...

  12. The average adult has a blood volume of roughly 5 litres. This is 10 pints.

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