
How many parents let their kids sleep with them?

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How old are they?

Why do you?

Does your husband or wife mind?

I was just wondering how many people co-sleep. My kids usually fall asleep in their bed but always end up in mine at some point during the night. Anyways i dont need advice i am fine with the way things are. I just want to hear from other parents who co-sleep.




  1. My kids are 12,8,2. They have always slept in their own bed from day one.We moved into  a new house 2 months ago and the baby has been sleeping in our room (in his own bed). I hate it. i wake up every little tiny move that he makes, each roll, arm movement, sigh. Ahh it is horrible,i haven't slept 6 hours since we moved. I can't wait for the addition so he can go back into his own room.

  2. i have a 6, 4, and  1 year old.

    my 6 yo  would still sleep with me if i let him!!  and this is because i moved him out of my bed before my daughter was born when he was 2.5.

    my daughter only slept with me until she was 9.5 mo. their father didnt really mind until the olest was too long and slept crazy.

    with my third i was single and so of course he slept with me, i didnt even buy him a crib because  i knew he would be in my bed, when i met my bf he didnt really like it at first, i think it was because he wasnt really used to sharing a bed at all. now he is fine with it and i am trying to show my son to sleep in his own bed next to me because i am the one that is woken up all night by getting kicked and what not.

    lately tho, my oldest doesnt wanna sleep in his room so h**l try to sleep with my daughter or end up in my room in the middle of the room. my daughter however, well i couldnt get her to sleep in my room even if i bribed her with all the toys in the world!!

  3. My daughter used to sleep with me alot. But then I met her step father. He used to tell me that she needs to sleep in her own bed because we do things in that bed that she doesn't ned to lay on. So, to answer the first question. She was 2 1/2. and she used to sleep with me because she just loved it. To be honest I was pretty used to it too. When it had to stop, I kind of felt weired and it was hard for her too.

  4. My daughter is 7, she sometimes still sleeps with me in the bed, usually a bed time story, we say our prayers then snuggle or talk a few minutes. She has her own bed and doesn;t mind sleeping on it. Now that her father and I are together again, he wakes up for work, leaves about 3 in the AM, i have her sleep with me... I think it's probably me who needs the comfort, but she says she doesnt mind. Her father doesn't let her sleep with us together.

  5. My cousin let her boys sleep with her and her husband for a long time. Their kids are all mama's boys now. I'm sure they have issues as they are approaching prepubescent years.

    This created all kinds of tension.

    But not so much because they snuck off to one of the boys's Nascar beds and made a new baby.

  6. my daughter has been sleeping with me and my husband for 2 yrs shes 3 now and falls to sleep with us but is stuck to me like gum on the bottom of a shoe for some reason she wont fall to sleep with my husband and he feels horrible she cries and has a fit but when she goes to sleep we put her on her toddler bed in our room and still ends up with me in the morning when her dad goes off to work so i think co-sleeping is pretty common.

  7. i do my daughter is 1

    i let her cause she was my first and i wanted her close now she is spoiled and wont sleep with out me in the bed

    my husband is fine with it what can he say she's not going anywhere so if he does not like it then he can sleep somewhere else

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