
How many passagers can you take if you have justed passed driver in the UK?

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I have just passed my driving test and one of my friends have told me i can't take passenagers in the frist 6mths or something i need to know if she's lieing or if there is an limit on how many people i can carry in my car i didn't ask my teacher coz i didn't know there was an limit.




  1. you can have as many passengers as there are seat belts.

  2. no problem, you can have a passenger on each seat

  3. One passenger per seat - but NO sitting on laps ! ! !

  4. Hello,

    So you have just passed your car driving test.

    Class 'B' on your licence entitles you to drive any vehicle for private use with upto the figure of 8 Passenger seats. If you exceed the number, then you will have to be in possesion of a Class D1 licence, or D for larger coaches.

    Answer = 8  Passengers in seats, with belts on.

  5. You can carry as many passengers as the car allows with seatbelts,

  6. your friends a fool...yes u can take pasangers.

  7. Either your friend is playing you or she has not passed a driving test! As soon as you have passed your driving test, you can take as many passengers as your car allows. There's no 6 months probation period....well....theres a 2 year probation period for any other driving offences. But hopefully that wont affect you=)

  8. There aint no limit - your friends are telling fibs! You can take as many passengers in your car as you like as long as you have enough seats!

  9. how many seat belts has it got? that seems to be how many you can carry. it is recommended by the AA that you don't carry young passengers and don't drive between 1am and 5 am but that is only a recommendation.

  10. The rule is you can have as many people that you have seat belts for.........

  11. Apparently this is a rule in some countries and could eventually come in here(the UK)

    If you want to supervise a learner you have to be over 21 years of age and have held a full driving licence for at least 3 years

  12. Once initially qualified (and I stress 'initially') you may take passengers in an 'ordinary' car, up to the legal and design capacity of the vehicle, with the correct number of seat belts fitted. For many cars this will be three to four passengers. Larger vehicles such as 'people carriers' may take more passengers but you would be well advised to have some experience before doing this. YOU, as the driver, are legally responsible for making sure that each passenger 'belts up'! You are also responsible for the condition of the car e.g. You are almost bound to be stopped if, say, you have a rear light missing - which is a 'moving traffic offence'. So, check your car each time you use it, especially at night. A simple police stop could soon involve all sorts of 'nasty' enquiries! You've seen it all on T.V.!

    Note that new laws prevent you from taking children under the age of 14 in a front seat or seats. That applies to all drivers.

    Babies have to be secured in a proper baby seat, approved by law and correctly fitted. That, too, applies to all drivers. Again, you would be well advised not to take babies in a car until you are well experienced in all sorts of driving conditions.

    I am slightly worried that you ask the question. I hope that you are not considering 'cramming in' a lot of 'mates' just to show that you are a 'big man' and then going to parties or for carefree 'cruises'. I am sure that you are more sensible - because, if not, you may not be asking this question again, or any others.

    Note that the police will often stop cars with several young passengers - because they fear the worst - drink, drugs, incompetence, TWOC, etc. Make sure that you have permission to drive a particular car, with licence, tax, insurance, MoT, etc. Carry your licence with you. Remember that the cops have 'heard it all before' and that lying and being 'bolshy' will cut no ice. Note, also, that the Police National Computer (PNC check) will show instantly to a traffic cop if you are 'legal'.

    Note that in America, you would not get a licence, through what they call 'Driver's Ed' (ucation), if you could not answer these questions!

    Best wishes for a safe driving career. If you want 'a really good time', leave the car at home or have a 'designated' and legal driver.

    Sorry if this was not what you wanted to hear. Mind you, as far as I know, you might be 95! Doubt it, though.

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