
How many passers should be in an ideal serve recieve pattern?

by  |  earlier

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I like to pass with just two or three, for simplicity, but a good jump serve can tear apart a two man serve recieve. But the more people, the more possibilities for communication mistakes. Five seems like too many to me. 3 and 4, seem ok. What do you think?




  1. I have seen team set up with 5 passers & 2 passers.

    It all depends on how you want to set up your defence/offence & how good everyone can pass.

    you 'll have different setup on each rotation in each game against each team.

    My opinion would be show your best & hide your shy to the opposing server.

    Have fun playing.

  2. Looks like the question has been answered but I thought I'd chime in with an opinion as well.

    2 passers - less communication breakdowns but more court to cover for each player. Ideal if the passers are both very consistant and can pass in every serve recieve rotation (ie both your left side hitters or libero and a left side).  If you are facing a hard jumper that can tag the sidelines with their serve you can always adjust the serve recieve by adding in a third passer for that server.

    3 passers - can have more communication problems and more people passing means less consistancy for your setter. Less court to cover for your passers, easier to cover the line shots

    Basically it comes down to what the team is comfortable with and what works for you. I wouldn't go with more than three passers though.

  3. absolutely 3 to four man serve recieve..unless your diggers are d**n well trained to do two man serve me..3 to four is enough

  4. I think 3.  2 will usually only work with exceptional passers, they pretty much gotta be studs.  4 is way to much clutter.

  5. At my school we had 2 fronts, 1 in the middle and 2 in the back. Plus we had the server of course. I think you should stick with the standard 5.

  6. i think three will be the best that's how we do it in our team and it always works except with the whole calling the ball routine

  7. well i am part of a championship team and we have 4 passers for serve receicve......3 in tha bak n 1 in the front for short serves..... so it will look like this....

    --------------------------------------...  < Net

                            x                               xx


    x                      x

  8. at my school we use 4 passers in the back during serve receive with two guarding the front. the first pass is one of the most important and it is important that you ghave enough people ready to pass the ball up. after the pass is made you can have everyone move to their normal positions. hope it helped! byebye!

  9. well one is not enough and four and five is too many. but 2 or three is the perfect amount for serve recieve. try to go for three hits becasue you can bump, set, and then spike the ball.

  10. My Team does the 'W' format. 3 up front. 2 backrow.(stand together), and then the setter hides. Just stay low, and you'll get it. Hope it works!

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