
How many pearlscale goldfich can I keep in my 3 gallon tank?

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I have a 3 gallon tank, and the lady at PetSmart said that I can have 1 golfish per every gallon; therefore, I bought 3 goldfish. But, they all seem to be dying! now, i m hearing they need to be in a 10 gallon tank?!?!? would they also live in a 5 gallon??





  1. 20 gallons each..they will definitely die...very wrong advice there...any fancy type goldie needs at least 20 gallons each..pearlscales are very sensitive..I know people who keep them in 50+ gallon setups only...I am sorry..but they ll all die...start with a 55 gallon tank for 3..and cycle it..only then introduce fish..also a very strong filter 10 times higher rated than the capacity of your tank..then expect them to survive..

  2. None.  Actually, it's more like 15-20 gallons minimum for keeping one goldfish.  

    I would call up or write the store manager and their headquarters-can find that info online, and complain about the lady's ignorance-that's probably one of the worst cases of advice I've heard given out by a Petsmart employee.....and I've heard some doozies, definitely ranks in the top 10 list anyway.  Return the fish and the tank.  Upgrade to at least a 15-20 gallon if you want one goldfish, or get at least a 10 gallon and get some other type of fish.  I think walmart has the 10 gallon set ups cheaper for buying fish, I would recommend checking into a smaller mom and pop type of store-but make sure their fish aren't sickly.  And make sure Petsmart knows you'll take your business elsewhere.  Not that they'll go bankrupt over losing one customer, but maybe it'll be enough to make them at least start giving some basic education to their employees......

  3. NONE. Goldfish get Huge, and 1 goldfish needs at least a 20 gallon tank (but will outgrow that eventually). Goldfish like fantails and pearscales get as big around as dinner plates, and they create three times the amount of amonia a normal fish does. They need VERY large tanks and superior filtration to keep up their water quality.

    Sadly, I see a lot of dumb people answer questions about goldfish when they dont have the slightest idea of what they are talking about. Try to find a friend with a large outdoor pond, and throw them in there. they will thrive and grow to be very large and beautiful, and you can visit them :)

    Goldfish can NOT be put in tanks with other species of fish. The amonia they produce will kill them, and as they get bigger they will eat them.

    Goldfish do NOT stay the size of their enviroment. Thats like saying if you put a baby in a box it wont grow any more. The fish will just get sick and die.

    Also, that gallon rule is ridiculous. Its not 1 fish per gallon, but the gernal "rule" is supposedly 1 inch of fish per gallon. But that rule is so dumb, I tell people not to listen to it. You have to look at the type of fish. 5 inch and a half guppies would do fine in a 3 gallon tank as long as it had a filter. At the same time, a 10 inch oscar could NOT go in a ten gallon tank.

    Sorry you were misinformed :( For a 3 gallon tank, a betta would be perfect, or if it has a small filter, 3-5 danios or guppys would be good, and they are really pretty :)

  4. If they're still small now they'll need to be in a 40 gallon tank. 20 gallons for the first goldfish and 10 for each goldfish after. But when they get bigger you'll have to get a bigger tank, because pearl scales get huge.They'll die in a 3, 5, and 10 gallon tank.

  5. since there fancy goldfish

    20 gallons for the first one and 10 for each one after that

    thats 40 gallons for 3

    and you need a good filter

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