
How many pennies........??

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Me and my partner talk more and more about our wedding day, I'm waiting anxiously for him to pop the question. :-) But I want to prepared for the cost!!

How much on average is needed for a wedding and how much was yours????

I would like to be married in a church with a pretty evening do.....




  1. I'm planning on having a wedding next October 2009 for $8000 US. Not sure if I'll need all of that, but weddings are expensive!

  2. Ours is costing about $6,700 and we're having about 50 - 60 people there.  We had budgeted $8000 but don't seem to need it all.  We will be keeping the rest for emergency usage but doubt we'll need it.

  3. It depends on the size and amount of guests. I've been to backyard weddings that cost $1500 and big ones that were $30,000.

  4. The average wedding costs £6,000.

  5. My hubby and I did ours on a shoe string for £3000. My friend just got married in church with a horse and carriage the works for £14,000. The church alone cost £500. You can go way over the top with weddings but its your one special day so work out what you can't do without and budget from there.

  6. it will be alot! but it depends what you have the different rates of people. how many tiers do you want on your cake? are you going to your own hair? what dress do you want? you might have to cut back on some things. congratulations for when he does get round to asking you

  7. I think you should agree a budget that you can afford and keep to it.  If you get married in the Church of England the vicar is obliged to marry you as he is also a registrar.  You can arrange your own venue and catering,  avoid the rip offs like rose petals scattered all over the place.  Ask a friend who has a nice car to dress it up and drive for you.  Try not to mention the word wedding when negotiating with caterers trades people, flower shops as it will double the price.  You can have a fantastic wedding without breaking the bank.  The important thing is that you and your fiance are happily married with your friends and family around you.

    Good luck

    By the way if you spend £20000 on a single day and then take 5 years to pay off the debt it will lose its gloss.

  8. Mine is almost planned and it's going to cost about AU$20,000-$25,000.

  9. It really depends on the area in which you want to get married. Also, it really depends on what exactly you want. Our budget is $10,000 and that has been eaten up rather quickly. The majority of our money has gone to the honeymoon which is $3500 and then other major expensese are the pictures and then the alcohol for the reception. Luckily, I own a catering business so that isn't an expense for us but that can be rather expensive. Go to and look at thier budgets.  

  10. the cost of a wedding depends on so many different factors!  location is the biggest...not the actual place you're going to be, but where you are in the country.  it also depends on the time of the year and the time of day.  the average chicago wedding is about $20,000...probably more now as i got married a few years ago. we called in favors and friends, and for our wedding with 200 guests on a saturday night in may only cost us about $11,000.  afternoon receptions are generally cheaper, because less food is served.  sunday weddings are cheaper because it's not a day people usually choose to get married, so it's open a lot of times and you can get it cheap.  everything else you have to shop that fit your budget, dj, photo, etc.  decide what's important and spend the money on that.  look for specials everywhere you can!  we wanted our wedding party and their dates to come with us to take pics after the ceremony, but didn't want anyone to worry about driving, so we wanted to get a bus big enough to hold our 14 attendants and their dates.  we found a company that had a 40 passenger limo bus.  we signed a contract during their winter special and we were able to get it for only $200.  i wanted a simple up do...the same basic do girls wear for prom now.  didn't want to spend a c**p load on it though, so i went to a beauty school to have it done for $20 instead of the $150 salons were charging.  look for deals and you will find them!

  11. This depends on a lot!!  One, where you  live plays a huge factor.  If you live in the New York or other Northeastern states,  you are looking to pay 30% than people in the South or the Midwest.    Also, it depends on how many people.  You can have 50 people and have a lavish affair and it might only cost a few thousand.   But, the more people you invite, the more you'll spend.

    From my personal experiences and my research about weddings, I'm think an average, mid-sized semi-formal evening wedding will cost about 15K-20K for the basics and a few little extras.   But, again, this is based on where I live.  I live in the Northeast where the average cost of a plated dinner is between $75-$100.   So, it's a bit higher in cost here.

    The best advice is to speak with other people who have recently been married.   Ask them how much it was per person at the reception hall, how much they paid for the photographer and similar questions.  Also, try to research local vendors.  Look at the message boards.  You don't even need to post,  but brides are always talking about different vendors.  So, get some names and do your own research.    

    Planning is difficult, but you can find deals.  It is costly, there is no doubt.  You are entertaining people, so remember that's the bottom line.   Hosting people is never cheap, but you can manage.  Find a budget that works for you.

  12. the current average cost of a wedding in the UK is £20,000

    obviously this can go up or down from there, depending on various things:

    - whether you hire a place and caterers etc, or if you hire a hall and do it up yourself; also how many guests you have, and what food you do (sit-down silver service dining will cost more than a buffet)

    - how much you choose to spend on your dress (and any bridesmaids, and the groom's outfit, and his best man etc...) and also flowers

    - church - if you want a choir or organist, these are all extras; also church flowers aren't included and are up to you usually. costs for church weddings start from around £600 i think

    - honeymoon - barbados will cost more than cornwall!

    have a look around your area, see what kind of things you like, and work out a budget to stick to

  13. It all depends on how big of a wedding you want the things you want how many people what kind of food etc... My sister just got married this past june and she spend around $2,500 to $3,000 I am getting married in July of 2009 and i am only going to have about 60-75 people cause i am trying to keep it small but my budget is $8,000 and i at about $5,000 hopefully i wont use all of it or go over but i have a feeling that we are going to pass our budget. near ($10,000) my fiance keeps adding things his new addition is Ice Sculptures.

  14. Well my wedding cost me $50.  I stepped off the airplane to visit my boyfriend of 2 years (hes in the Army) and the first thing I yelled across the gate was "I want to marry you!"  His response was "Today!"  So we left the airport, an went to the courthouse and were married by 10am.  I wouldnt do it anyother way.  We didnt have meddling mothers, or penny pinching fathers trying to run things.  In the end, we got married on a whim, wearing jeans and hoodies.

    If this is not your taste though, I have heard that the average cost of a wedding in the US is $35,000.  I guess it just depends on the size of the wedding you want.

    Good luck!

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