
How many peopel works in embassy?

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How many peopel works in embassy?




  1. There  is no specific amount of people assigned to the many of our embassies. The larger embassies can be usually found in the major capitals of the world. However, large embassies can be found in smaller cities due to an ongoing political crisis. The embassy in Saigon was very large because of the war and I am sure the same is currently true  for our embassy in Baghdad. An embassy contains many offices representing various departments of the U.S. government such as military attaches, a political division, a communication center, ambassador's staff, forging aid, etc. and etc.

    I worked security and protection at a small embassy in Rabat, Morocco as Marine. At the time the office building was eight stories with adjacent offices, but I didn't have any idea of how many people worked there. I do know that it was much smaller than such posts as London and  Paris. We only had five Marines assigned whereas London had well over fifty.

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