
How many people actually get an answer that helps?

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I see so many post where people dont read everything and sometimes just get people who say stupid things way off topic. And I was just wondering if anyone has got an answer that helped them out. Did you have to ask your question more then once to get someone who actually cared? I just hate it when people dont like a question or somthing and say something stupid.




  1. i try to give good answers to most the questions i read but some questions just make no sense

    i have asked a few questions and i always put serious answers only or something like that and there are a few answers to it that are uncalled for and stupid, it really gets on my nerves  

  2. I can do a somersault...

    There are no stupid questions, only stupid people who ask questions.

    Exactly what I'm referring to. People post the most ridiculous questions on this site, and they invariably receive off the wall answers because it is natural to assume the person asking the question is less than intelligent. Ask the right questions, and you will get appropriate answers (usually). Every time I've asked a serious question, people have responded appropriately.

  3. i know i feel the same way...occasionally you get people who are serious in answering you, like me....and they can be helpful but some people come on here and answer questions to be smart asses.....which is i hear ya...and hopefully we can have more people trying to help others out by answering thier questions

  4. sometimes the answers are stupid but I've had a few that were realy helpfull,like the ones i had about bamboo feel free to check em out

  5. A lot people (especially kids) come here for pure entertainment.  They aren't here to help they are here to relieve boredom.  

    Yeah, I visit this site out of boredom but if someone asks a serious question I give a serious answer.

    However there are also a lot of stupid or fake questions that are asked in fun and I will give stupid answers just to have fun.

    I have asked a few questions, very few answers were helpful.  But I could usually find at least one honest, real answer.

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