
How many people are Sick and Tired of seeing the White man portrayed as the Idiot or Nerd in Every Commercial?

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If someone who is Black is in the same commercial they are Always portrayed as the smart one, or the one in charge. When will this BS





  1. Well everything has to be "fair" and seeing

    how for so many years blacks were the seen as the

    under educated people, Its time for the whites.

    Idk it sounds silly to me for a skin tone to

    decide if youre good enough. Everything has

    to be politically correct la la la. Why

    can we all just be seen as equals. And the only

    reason why is because people dont want it

    like that. Its lame.

  2. I must not be seeing the same commercials you are, the ones I see have a pretty broad spectrum of people in different situations.

    I think it mainly depends on their target audience.

  3. Your absolutely right, and I am tired of seeing that.

    They do that because if they don't, they'll get accused of being racist.

  4. Lest we forget, racial minorities weren't even used in mainstream ads at all for a number of years for fear of "offending" Southern viewers by their very presence! White men were consistently put in "authority" roles in these ads, not to mention on regular TV programs like Father Knows Best and Leave It To Beaver.

    When Blacks were used in print advertising in the 19th Century "Jim Crow" era and even up to the 1960s, you saw all sorts of garbage that stereotyped them like Aunt Jemina or Uncle Ben's or the Golliwog in the UK.  Not to mention the pickaninnies with the watermelon...and this went on for over ONE HUNDRED years!

    Now we have to deal with stereotyping because of all the hip-hop stuff, and black women really get the short end of the stick here because of the negative images shown of us. Either we're all "flygirls" or we're fat, loud, bossy and "ghetto." and hawking cleaning products... and by the time we black women hit 40, we all but disappear from the sceen altogether!

    and I have yet to see a significant number of ads portraying Native American or Asians...either stereotypical or otherwise.  

    Don't you know that the current "media darlings" are the Hispanics...and the white pre-teen and teenaged girls who are addicted to High School Musical, the Disney Channel and shopping? Yeah, it's all about them right now.

    So as far as I'm concerned any white men "stereotyping" is minimal and white men STILL have NOTHING to complain about. If you're being misrepresented, then it's your own fault...especially when you consider it's still white men who are in control of the nation's advertising agencies and television networks as well as in the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)!!!

    At any rate, I don't waste time watching most TV commercials anyway. Most of them insult your intelligence, and the people in them regardless of race or gender, generally look stupid and pointless.

  5. I agree especially when done by Dave Chsapelle

  6. Reverse discrimination at its best!

  7. Commercials are there to sell products. The commercials you speak of are obviously targeting the African American consumer. Simple not buy their products. That is what I do.


    Never and quit watching BET! Sorry the Blacks are just smarter and that much cooler

  9. It will end when everyone is tired of playing the politically correct game. And I don't see this happening with either one of our upcoming presidential candidates either.

  10. I am sick of it. Hubby, son, and I have talked about this MANY times.

  11. your insane

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