
How many people are actually making the profit from this, is it some secret club we don't know about?

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I am curious because it seems as though SOMEONE in government is making a profit from taking advantage of us...and it isn't just Bush. How many people are really getting rich? How many people are REALLY deciding what goes on here? How many? 100? 1000?

You would be an idiot not to notice that our freedoms are being taken away. That we get taxed for EVERYTHING. That we all want the same things, we all talk about it, we all ask for it, but nobody is listening. We let the government do what they want....but wtf is going on? Are people just born into this? Like some secret society or cult? With rigged elections, winner decided before voting takes place? How would we know anyway? Why is it that the government is stronger than the rest of us, I mean, surely we out-number those rich people who are making the profit. We could fight for what we why don't we?




  1. People allow themselves to be governed inefficiently out of apathy. There is no conspiracy, the public gets what it deserves.

    You are right in saying that the government essentially steals from working people. Any right-thinking person should hate governance, but recognize its necessity, and arrive at a small, weak government as the ideal compromise.

  2. Bottom line is there needs to be somebody in charge, to some degree.  Your talking about the difference between a civilized nation and a third world country.  Our government's standpoint is the same as any other:  You can't please all of the people all of the time.  The government is not perfect and it never will be.  For every idea that is made, you will more often than not have a few people on both sides of the argument.  

  3. Good question with a relatively simple answer.

    Most people don't want to fight, despite the injustices.  Secondly, the rich and powerful owns the military, biological weapons, microwave emitters, and other scary stuff.  

  4. The rights we have are not government granted and can not be taken away from the government, the only way your rights can be taken away is if you allow them to take them away.  You have a right to Bear arms, and you have a right to use those arms to protect your life, liberty and property.  In other words.  The government will tell you that you can't use your weapons to protect your liberty. i.e. arresting you for the mere thought of protecting your liberty is Tyranny.  You allow your rights to be taken away by not using your arms to protect yourself and your rights, which you have a right to do.  The government would probably arrest me or anyone who says that, cause it would interfere with their plans on destroying our rights.  They didn't gain independence and rights 200 some years ago by asking king george nicely if they can have some rights.  No, They fought and many died to protect and ensure liberty and justice for all.  So if anyones rights are taken away, it's because they allowed it.

  5. There was never anything wrong with the Federal Government as outlined in the Constitution. What I believe happened was something called the "interstate commerce" clause. Some agenda driven, liberal Supreme Court Justices decided that must mean the Federal Government has jurisdiction over anything that passes from one state to another. And creative they are in deciding what and how things pass from one state to another. Which created the behemoth Federal Government we have today thanks to a majority of the NINE Supreme Court Justices who control the Country. The Federal Government continues to get away with this nonsense because of the old saying...

    "When robbing Peter to Pay Paul....Paul is always for it." and the Paul's of this Country continue to vote for the robbers.

  6. Fortune 500. Forbes Magazine has a record of such. The Wall Street Journal is another place to look. As to how to get out from under one way is Civic Currency. Computers, photo shop, ink artistry.

    Why no rebellion, lack of weapons strategies  and will.  To start demolition of major airports to stop Global Warming. Next abolish prisons then hunting parties between bigots and Revs to deal with that problem.  As to other reasons  The Police can deal with isolated compounds  before resistance can form. Waco and Ruby Ridge come to mind. ATF and F.B.I. raids on such. Also most soldiers are Republicans and might not respond well to ideas of Civic Currency. Democrats might not either.

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