
How many people are being rebellious and not participating in Earth Hour?

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I'm going to participate. Are you? Or are you going to turn on all of your appliances?

I'm just asking this to see how many people are going to participate or not.




  1. How would anybody know that?  Is there a fine?  Does this mean that you won't drink my beer if I don't participate or that you will buy me one?

  2. Not me! I'll be participating in Earth Hour!

  3. I love Earth, but I will not participate in Earth hour simply because I have better things to do, like spend time with my family and watch hockey.

    Howler- LOL!

  4. I am participating in "Make the Night Bright" a counter demonstration intended to celebrate modern technology and to raise awareness of just what the Neo-Luddites and their ilk are trying to take from us in the name of stopping global warming.  To participate:

    1) Turn on all of your lights

    2) Take a long hot shower

    3) Use as many of your electrical appliances as reasonably possible

  5. I am so sick of being nagged about what bloody lightbulbs I'm using by people who drive around in big cars and fly around the world in planes - yes, Al Gore, people like you.

    So, no, no I am not going to sit in the dark, it's a pointless empty gesture.

  6. Yeah, I'm doing it why not. What's the big deal? It's only for an hour or more if you choose.

    There's nothing to lose by doing it.

    It's not only about turning out your lights, but your computers, tv's and blackberries too. It's about opening up your mind in a world that's living, talking and walking a state of global unconsciousness.

    It's about getting out from the four walls of the room your sitting in and doing something else, something different for a change.

    heavysoviet: Earth hour is about spending time with your family also, but not in front of the tv. Yeah, so i will miss some of the Isles/Flyers game. Maybe you wouldn't be a heavy soviet if you turn the lights and tv off and go for a walk with the family(Just an idea). :)

  7. During this hour, I will:

    - turn on all the lights, lamps, TV's, radios, stereos, computers, and kitchen appliance in the house to the highest setting.

    - take every can in the house with CFC's and spray them outside until empty

    - run all of my vehicles in the driveway and the garage in neutral and put bricks on the gas pedals

    - shoot every bird I see with a BB gun

    - Am I forgetting anything?

  8. NO!!!  We turn off our lights when we're not in a room all the time anyway!  We're watching the NCAA tourney at 8:00 PM tonight and planning on keeping everything plugged in.  No way am I joining this corny bandwagon!

  9. What,s this earth hour going to accomplish ? Beside make a bunch of idiots feel

    good about themselves. Somebody says go dark for an hour and everybody

    rushes to jump on the bandwagon. Lets all jump off a clifff and show these people what sheep we are. We should start making plans for next year. More

    peolple off a cliff would mean less people to pollute the earth!!!

  10. I'm going to the junkyard to set fire to the tires!!

    lol credit to jay k

  11. No.

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