
How many people are happy that Manny Ramirez got traded?

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I harbor a huge hatred for this donkey (and don't tell me to watch my mouth). Look at that pathetic player, he said that he wanted to be traded. Also he has the nastiest attitude that I've seen even more than A-Rod. Manny maybe a good player, but his attitude is pathetic. Hopefully Joe Torre of the LA Dodgers will straighten this jerk up. Glad he didn't go to the Yankees because we don't need a moron like Manny Ramirez. Bum.




  1. Well, it's probably a good, yet a bad thing. I was running for the D-Rays to win the division, and with Manny gone, the chances just got higher. But my other favorite team, the Giants, just got eliminated once the trade got announced, but I would say from a Red Sox fan stand point, it was a good trade. Who would want a fool who just stands in the outfield not having his game face on, not paying attention, and continuously showing his nasty attitude by brawling.

  2. I'm glad he's gone! I've always wanted him to go for the last two weeks he was here. We got a great hitter (Jason Bay)  out of it who actually hustles down the line!

  3. ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jason Bay is on fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    he is the best

    He hustles, hits, and runs faster than manny

    also he has a better attitude than manny

    did u hear manny left the game and got changed but had to get back into his uniform in LA the game was stopped 4 him

    Jason Bay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I agree with u completely

  4. me!

  5. I am, but then, I'm a Yankee Fan.  Torre is not going to straighten Manny out.  He couldn't straighten A-Rod out, what makes you think he can straighten Manny out? Come on, Manny in Hollywood? All those distractions? The Dodgers are going to rue the day they got him.

  6. I'm happy we got him, he's come up with big hits

  7. dude seriously lighten up the only thing you are doing is sucking the fun out of a kids game

  8. im happy cuz hes not in the redsox anymore

  9. I am glad the Red Sox clubhouse seems to be better but I still wish the Sox could have kept him...he is a great ball player and a great character...I wasn't thrilled with all he was doing in July to get traded so in that respect I am glad he is gone...but I do wish he could've been happy on the Red Sox and kept doing what he is now doing for the the end I blame Scott Boras and I wish MLB could ban him.

  10. As a Dodgers fan, I am way happy.  One of the best right-handed hitters in the game for the last 2 months of the season for FREE!  I'll take that any day.

  11. Manny is a disgrace to baseball.  The sooner he retires, the better.  Enough said.

  12. Yankee fans have always hated Manny.  (Might have something to do with the fact he homered twice against them in his first Major League game, and has more home runs against them than any other opposing player).

    Still, it remains to be seen whether the trade was good or not.

    He is an outstanding hitter, but a negative influence on his former team. For someone being paid $20 million/year, I think the Red Sox had every right to expect more hustle on the field, and less complaining & fake injuries off of it.

    The Sox should have received more for him in return, but I think that was indicative of how badly management wanted to get rid of him.

    Jason Bay is doing a great job in his place right now, and Manny seems to be happy where he is, so right now his trade seems to be a win-win.

  13. Dodgers suck he should have stayed.

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