
How many people are homeschooled in the USA?

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How many people are homeschooled in the USA?




  1. About 7-9% of the under 18 students.

    More if you include Long Distance education after age 18.

  2. "estimate of the number of students being homeschooled in the United States in the spring of 2003 was 1,096,000." That's a 29% increase from 1999."

    and it keeps growing!

    1,319,392 estimated in 2007

  3. For the most recent, and reliable statistics go to

    The numbers are much higher than reported, because not all states have registration or notification requirements.

    Since  in many states the mandatory attendance age does not apply until ages 6, or 7 those who start around the Kindergarten ages are often not counted, since kindergarten is not mandatory either.

    High school students are often under counted as well because after the mandatory attendance age of 16; some states 18; is reached parents may choose not to register their children any longer, because many home schooled students start college at that age, and have graduated early.

    Another web site that has some of the numbers is;

  4. According to widely-repeated estimates, as many as two million American children are schooled at home, with the number growing as much as 15 to 20 percent per year. At the same time, however, home schooling has received little attention compared with other recent changes in the educational system, such as the growth of charter schools. It could be argued that home schooling may have a much larger impact on educational system, both in the short and long run.

  5. Here are some other statistics you may find helpful:

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