
How many people are in any vollyball game? how long the match for this sport? how do you win in vollyball G?

by Guest32010  |  earlier

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How many people in a team for this sport?

How long the a match for the sport?

How exactly do you do this sport? Explain how to play.

How do you win?

What are the different names or roles for each person in the team?




  1. a voleyball team consists of 12 players but only the 6 are in the court , a much is over when a team wins 3 sets of 25 points , if both team win 2 sets then they play one of 15 points , in the team there is 2 attacks from the 4(the left front place of the court) , 2 attacks from the center and 1 from the right place front or back , there is also 1 who gives the ball to the attackers for score... the play beggins with a service ... and that's volley!

  2. there are 6 people on a team

    there are 2 matches and you play each one until one team gets to 25

    there are a buch of hits. pump,spike,serve,overset and one hand

    the way you win is one team has to win two matches.

    if one team wins one and the other team wins the other match then you play three matches.

    there is spot1,spot2,spot3,spot4,spot5, and spot6

  3. well there are 6 players on the court from one team at a time. 7 if you have a DS. it's not a timed sport you play for points. you play by getting the ball over the net by passing or setting or hitting without hitting it out of bounds. you score by having the other team hit it out or having them not get it over in their three tries. you win by winning 2 out of three games to 25 or 3 out of 5 fames to 25. depends on the rules. basically the back row wants to pass the ball to the setter so the setter can set up the hitter to slam the ball in the other teams face =]

  4. 6 people play on the court at a time but there are usually about 10-12 people on the team for backup. In volleyball there are three games inside of of match. They can go on forever but you can only win if you win by two points or if there is a cap of points to thirty. In volleyball there are four main parts passing/digging, attacking, setting, and serving. they each are a crucial part of the game. The positions are libero/defensive specialist who just passes the ball and usually can't serve and can not jump in front of the 10 foot line. There is a middle blocker who is usually the tallest person on the team and the libero/defensive specialist usually goes in for them. Then there is an outside/left side hitter who attacks the ball but also passes and digs. There is a right side/offside hitter who will usually set the ball if the setter takes the first ball but they also hit and sometimes will dig and pass. Then there is a setter who sets up the middle blocker, outside/left side, right side/offside, and sometimes will set up the libero/defensive specialist.

  5. 1. there are six on the court, but you can also have subs.

    2. it depends. say if u're in a tournament, its the first team to twenty-five points. if neither of the teams gets to twenty-five before the whistle blows to end the game, then the team with more points. if its a tie, there will be a tie-breaker game sometime in the tournament.

    3. you keep the ball up off the ground. if it touches the ground, then its the other teams point. YOU CAN'T TOUCH THE NET. if you touch the net its also the other teams point. If the ball hits the net and then the ground its still the other teams point, but you can hit the ball off the net as long as you don't touch the net. you can't have more than three hits on one side of the court you have to hit it over on three.

    4. get to twenty-five points before the other team.

    5. there is service position, where you serve the ball over. there is middle back (also called piggy :D   ) and left back. then there is left front or left net, middle front or middle net, right front or right net.

  6. Volleyball is easy but oh so complex...there should be 6 people on the court at one time...depending on what level your playing 25(high school) 30(college), you must win by 2 play by hitting the ball from one side to another without it hitting the win by earning points...there are a bunch of different positions- 1-2 setters(depending on coach), 2 middles, and 2 hitters...people rotate in and out depending on their talent. Most middles sub out for back row and then a librero(defensive specialist) will sub in...outside hitters are the strongest hitters on the team...setters can sometimes be a right side hitter depending on the set up...5-1 or 4-2...if you would like to know anything else just let me know, ill be glad to help!

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