
How many people are kept on your volleyball team?

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Or a team that you have played on. Please tell me what grade the team was, or like Varsity/JV/Freshmen.

I am gonna be a freshmen and the coach told us they are keeping 12 girls on the team. I think that is not much, but 8th grade we had 17, and in 7th grade we had 20! That was a TON of girls though.




  1. we are 13 so dont worry

  2. we had 12 on my 7th grade team and 13 on my 8th grade team. but we had 9 on my club team. they are thinking of keeping around 12 or 13 on my freshman team i am trying out for. there are 9 varisty jerseys for my high school if that helps. 12 is a good number to keep, if you have any more people dont get to play alot. 12 is a good number.

  3. In freshman they kept 12. In 8th grade, 9 girls and in 7th they kept 10 girls. It always depends on the coach! Some coach like to have  lot a girls, so when theirs one missing she has lots of choices.

  4. it depends on the coach.

    This year my team has 11

    but the past year we had 9

  5. for our frosh team we had 2 teams of 12. it was a lot of girls and i still wish he would have cut more. This year, we have 12 girls on JV and 10 on Varsity.

  6. When I played in my freshman year of college the coach kept 15 girls and two alternates.

  7. top 6 will be starting the first game

  8. its been anywhere from 7-18

  9. It really depend on the coach !!!!!!!!!!

  10. when i was a freshman they kept 15 on the team

  11. my freshman year of high school we had 12 girls on freshman 15 on jv and 10 on varsity...and really 12 girls is the usual number for girls on a club volleyball you usually on see 10 you dont need a lot of girls on the team really

  12. I live in a small town, so they keep *everyone*. And basically every girl plays volleyball, so my freshman team had about 20 girls, and the JV team had about 30. I know! We had a bunch!

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