
How many people are masquerading as atheists on Y!A?

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How many people are pretending to be atheists and then act real stupid to make us real atheists look bad?




  1. I had not thought of that

  2. You know who i think it is?

    The guy, picking up his nose on his avatar pic.

    his answers are arrogant and stupid most of the time

  3. I don't see any today.

  4. Im Atheist! is pretending... he cracks me up though...

  5. Yea, some people are claiming to be atheists to make us look bad and also claim that they were atheists but still ask questions about us. I hate trolls.

  6. probably the same number of trolls that pretend to be muslim and christian. loool

  7. Unfortunately there are stupid atheists, just like there are both intelligent and ignorant followers of religion. We get all sorts here my friend!!

  8. Some people will go as far as needed in order to ascertain a point out of people. It's simply immature people, bored out of their minds who think they are going to change the views of people who have a set standard idea with Atheists. It's not going to change the secular view in the first place. This country was founded on irreligious secular laws and should be brought back the way it started.

  9. about the same amount of christians trying to act intelligent.  OH, sorry, that was a misnomer.  Like Jesus second coming, it aint gonna happen

  10. Lol, they're not pretending--they're really that way...sadly.

  11. Well I agree that there are always going to be ignorant and intelligent people on either side, those who follow blindly and make their side look bad and those who question their beliefs and stick with it. And there are also those who just want to rebel whether they are right or not. But in this case this country WAS founded by believers and not based on secular laws. And if it wasn't for Christians, or even other religions, the atheists wouldn't have anything to NOT believe in.

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