
How many people are now carpooling?

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We were discussing it at work, if gas keeps going up, how can we save on using gas. I was wondering if many people out there have been able to start carpooling to work? I don't know anyone from work who lives in my area of town, they mostly live in the opposite direction. Any other ideas on saving how much gas used?




  1. I think carpooling rates are going up since gas prices started increasing.  

    You could put up a flyer in your office asking if anyone wants to carpool.  You never know if someone lives in your area.  Also, if there are workplaces within walking distance of where you work, you could carpool with someone who works there as well.

  2. I've been carpooling ever since I found out one of my neighbors work at the same plant on the same schedule I work. Since, at the time both of our vehicles got about 17 mpg it really saved and we traded off days driving. Now since he just bought a car that gets 37 mpg we go in his all the time.

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