
How many people are shallow ?

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Ok my bf told me that if someday I got fat he will not attractive with me anymore and he said that he still love me .. I got confused with this words coz if you aren't attractive you wouldn't want to stay with that person any more and the love will be less and less.At the same time we talked about if someday I getting fat ; he gave me example that poor people have to stay with poor people and rich people have to be with rich people .He doesn't want any girl that let herself go. And then late at night we were watch movie and the movie involve with history and I have no clue about history . He kept asking me and then he said you are not educated and people who are not educated should be with together . I got pissed so I said why don't you go date people educated ??? why are you date me and I"m not asking you to stay ?? Then he started to say he didn't want to look for anyone anymore. I really don't know that should I be with this person or not . we have been dating for a year




  1. It sounds like this relationship is Convienant for him, he has become comfortable, and rude. I would show him the door and told him that he could go and be with a skiny educated tramp, and maybe with his fat dumb brain him will wake up.

  2. GIRLLLLLLL! don't make me jump through this computer on you. You are being naive!

    Understand this people show you exactly who they are in the beginning of the relationship. Sometimes we just ignore certain things because we "LOVE" them but regardless to the fact, we need to pay attention. He obviously is a waste of time. You are tooooo young to be going through this and I'm pretty sure that you are pretty and a perfect size. Don't let him manipulate you because he thinks you are young and dumb, and just because he has a degree doesn't make him smart. And things change and so do our bodies so you need to ditch him, find someone your age range and that respects you and you wont have to go through this. Be smart, and let him know how you feel and let him know that you don't think this (relationship) is going well and he should go find him a smart, model. (educated and skinny) HA!

  3. he is so shallow, got a massive inferiority complex, get rid of him, he will only make you misserable with that attitude, it dosnt matter if you are educated, rich or poor it's what you give and take in a relationship, people should accept others for what they are, not what they have or havnt got or their achievements

  4. He sounds like a jerk. I wouldn't stay with him. Next time he makes a comment like that ask him "Isn't love suppose to be unconditional? And if you think that I'm repulisive if I gain weight and you don't think I'm smart enough, maybe you should find yourself some skinny, harvard grad to be with."

    You don't have to take that kind of c**p from anyone, especially someone who claims to love you. If he does it again, leave him. It's not right.

  5. Do you REALLY want to spend your life walking on egg shell around he person your supose to be the MOST comfotable with..

    this person is bejond shallow and you should remove him from your life right away...

    whats he going to do if you get preggers??? what about the kids.. made to be prefect ever second of the day.. it would make anyone snap...

    d your self a favor and move on and find someone who loves you for you NOT just someone whos tired of looking and youll do additude..

  6. Wow, my relationship isn't perfect, but at least my boyfriend doesn't say things like that to me.  that would break my heart if I found out that he was only with me because he didn't feel like looking for anyone else.  You deserve better girl.

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