
How many people are sucky nerds that yap about global warming ?

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How many people are sucky nerds that yap about global warming ?




  1. Lots.  Including these "sucky nerds".

    The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.  EVERY major scientific organization.

    And, if it wasn't for those "sucky nerds", not only would you not have a computer to call them that, but you'd be out working hard, as your family tries desperately to feed itself.  Think rural Africa, that's what you'd be living like.

  2. How many people are sucky nerds that don't know anything about global warming and therefore can't legitimately refute it so instead post barely tangential, ad hominem attacks such as "How many people are sucky nerds that yap about global warming?"?

  3. lol?

  4. ashley, your uneducated and can't spell!


    Anyway.... back to this question...


  5. i hate it when people act ignorant!

    if you cant see these changes then YOU are uneducated!

    oh and just because you care and have knowledge about the earth, does not mean you are a nerd!

  6. i cant agree with you more.

    anyone who believes in global warming is very uneducated....come on its a FALSE theory

    hahah if you believe in it then you are very uneducated

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