
How many people are willing to share their paranormal experiences?

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I am doing research on paranormal and was wondering if anyone would like to share. (only serious answers please)




  1. Sure I'm up for anything that is why my name is Mikie.

  2. do you expect people to be serious about an encounter with a ghost or a UFO sighting? people say things mysteriously dissapear in the Bermuda triangle. i was in Bermuda 6 years ago, funny thing is i'm still here all in one piece.

  3. I was planning a nice week visit with some family in Michigan a few years back. I packed up my old truck and headed up north. i stopped in a little diner coming out of Kentucky it was about 3 in the afternoon.

    When i had finished my meal and getting ready to hit the road on opening my truck door a little elderly man grabbed my arm. he smiled and said out visiting family I see. I thought nothing of it as I was loaded down and could be a lucky guess. He said don't travel through Indianapolis better for you young man to go around. I smiled and said ok thanks. back on the road i thought ok well faster route would be to go through Indianapolis but hey i am in no hurry so I will go around. I no longer got to the other side and back on my road plan when a 12 car pile up killing 9 people hit the radio.

    Paranormal i do not know lucky guess could be. I didn't die in a pile up thankful indeed. I consider myself lucky by following simple directions from someone who lead me down the right path or better yet not down to wrong path.

  4. It's difficult to give a serious answer when it's not a serious question.

    A better question might be "how many people are willing to share experiences which they can't explain?"

    Of course some people will put such experiences down to UFOs or poultergeists, but there are usually far more reasonable explanations,

  5. You gotta prove you're doing research b4 i tell u ANYTHING.

    And research about what???

  6. BTW you can't be on the bermuda triangle for six years unless you're standing on sea-water...because the bermuda triangle composes of WATER.

    No paranomal experiences, thank you..

  7. I'm only answering this one because everyone thinks I'm  weird anyway... :)

    I've had more ufo sightings than I can count - starting about 12 years ago.  The last one was about a month ago after not seeing anything for a few years.  I can only ask that you believe me when I say I'm not a total dimwit and that I can tell when I'm looking at a plane, kite, shooting star or something else.

    I've had one experience about 9 years ago where I woke up to see a small (2 and half feet tall) figure in a hooded cloak standing at the end of my bed.  I passed out and woke up about 2 hrs later and it was gone.  I won't say it was an alien abduction because I have absolutely no proof of that.  

    Other than that, I've had some strange ESP, precognition, and deja vu stuff happen and a few unnerving experiences with meditation...which is why I don't do that anymore.

    If you're doing research, try reading some books:

    -Whitley Strieber: Communion, Breakthrough, Communion Letters, The Key, Transformation

    -Alien Agenda by Jim Marrs

    -Robert Monroe Journey series

    -Courtney Brown Voyages books- this guy got a bad name because the Heaven's Gate cult used his work as a basis for the insanity they committed

    -David Icke - I've avoided Icke only because he's a bit on the conspiracy theory side of things

    -Erich von Daniken's Chariot's of the Gods

    -the Bible Code I & II

    -Robert Temple's Sirius Mystery

    -John Mack's Abduction and Passport to the Cosmos

    -Budd Hopkins' books

    -Sylvia Brown - her Secrets and Mysteries of the World is packed with info in a easy to read format

  8. Look into Remote Viewing than. If you learn how than you can see these things for yourself, without having to ask others. And yes, I have done this, especially when I was younger.

  9. if i had some paranormal experience i'd share, but my lfie is boring without any aliens or ghosts. so i'm not much help to you

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