
How many people believe OBAMA won't make it completely through His Presidency physically?

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Canadians, Americans, Blacks, whites, ect have told me unanimously that they don't think He'll complete his term, Do you?

Some say He's before His time, and should wait another term.. Some say its too soon.




  1. The people I have spoken to candidly about your question do not believe he will survive between the Election and the Inaugeration.  Obama will unfortunately be assassinated, unfortunate because then we will have a 21st century black martyr and a whole bunch of streets will get renamed Barack Hussein Obama Boulevard!

  2. The next step of a savior is to be a martyr. There are some Obama faithful who put him in the realm of Jesus. Or maybe more appropriately Martin Luther King, Bobby Kennedy.

    I think deep down they may even wish this will happen so that they can continue to espouse the US as a racist nation.

    All presidents are at risk. Obama's risk is no greater than McCain and probably less than George Bush.

  3. are you trying to say he will die? smh stop thinking like that.

  4. It's McCain that looks like he could drop dead at any minute.  If you are referring to someone assassinating Obama, that could definitely happen.  There are so many raciest hateful people out there.  I just hope security can protect him.

  5. I've heard the same thing said about the last two presidents. the Secret Service must be getting pretty good!

    Yes, I think Obama would survive IF he doesn't get lung cancer.

  6. There's no way to know how many believe that and I'm not sure what you mean by your question but the worst possible scenario would be for Obama to get elected and then assasinated. Thats the last thing this country needs.

  7. He won't be President.He an over hyped darling of the media who in actuality has nothing to offer except useless slogans like "change".

  8. Fear... is that all that your offering with a question such as this...

  9. I think he will be dead before his term ends. He should reconsider.

  10. "eye roll", Is this a serious question?

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