
How many people believe in UFO'S?

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How many people believe in UFO'S?




  1. Only sane people believe in UFO's.  My wife might disagree, but I consider myself one of them.  I'm not certain they've visited the earth though. I think what people have seen so far are nothing more than military test planes.  Notice that the majority of them are seen in remote areas of the western United States aroiund where Area 51 is located?  If UFO's were visiting the earth, why didn't we see any until after the start of the Cold War?

  2. Don't confuse "UFOs" with spacecraft.

    UFOs (unidentified flying objects) are only unidentified because the observer lacks the astronomical or meteorological knowledge to identify them. That's why you never hear about UFOs observed by astronomers or meteorologists; they're only reported by people who are unfamiliar with what can be seen in the sky. I've been an amateur astronomer for over fifty years, and have never seen anything in the sky that I haven't been able to identify.

  3. depends on what people call a UFO ,we all interpret things different, but i suppose a large amount of the population do .I believe there must be other life out there

  4. I believe that people witness unidentified and/or unidentifiable objects in the sky.  What they are is anyone's guess.

  5. i believe in aliens, not UFOs

    i guess the closest aliens to us are really really far away or arent technologically advanced enough to search for humans (or aliens for them)

  6. what is the actual reality behind UFO

    why d**n this is taught in our lessons too during education?

    UFO's reality is answered in this link below:

  7. Yes, somethings got to be out there.

  8. how can you NOT believe in UFOs?  People see things all the time that they don't understand, whether it is atmospheric, astronomic or garlic sausage before bedtime, its pretty hard to refute.

    Next time ask "How many people believe in Little Green Men from Mars?"  you will get a different set of answers.

  9. about 10% of population.If you have some thing which you do not understand, you use the simpliest answers

  10. There have been thousands of UFO reports. Most have been satisfactorily explained by known civil or military aircraft, the planet Venus, unusual weather conditions and so forth.  

    Of the remainder, I'm certain that many can be put down to mistakes, ignorance, illusion, hallucination and fraud. Fraud seems to be one of the most common.  There are a few of the thousands for which there are no satisfactory explanations.  

    It's an interesting fact that one of the first widely reported sightings after the Second World War was by Kenneth Arnold in 1947 while flying a private plane in the western USA.  He reported "crescent - shaped" objects flying like a saucer skipped across water.  Somehow this got understood as saucer shaped.  The result was a rash of photographs of saucer shaped objects over the next several years.  

    If you look at the UFO sites around the net, and the stuff that also appeared in magazines with UFO articles, what else do you find?  Atlantis, Lemuria, astrology, conspiracy theories, the blasted Bermuda triangle, "we didn't go to the Moon": yadda t-yadda blah blah drivel snork drool.  All of it fraught with unsupported assertions and frequently, just plain lies.  

    So there are a few UFOs for which there have been no explanations.  The rest are IFOs, identified flying objects or FFOs, fraudulent flying objects.  FFOs seem to be a minor industry in Central and South America at present.

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