
How many people can be godparent to twins?

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I've recently been asked to be godmother to my best friend's unborn child. They've decided to only have one godmother. I have a friend who also want to be a godmother but they chose me over her because we been best friend over 16yrs, financially stable and got a great heart. Recently, they found out that they having twins. Now, they decided to have two godparents for the twins. Personally, I felt hurt that they decided to have two godparents for the twins. Their decisions was base upon the fact that my other friend wants to be a godmother too and was offended that she wasn't asked. Because of the twins, why should there be two godmothers now? Do you think i'm wrong for feeling hurt? Now, i'm upset... if they chose to have two godmothers. And is wrong now to change my mind to be godmother?




  1. I think, traditionally, you're supposed to only have a set of parents. However, logically, there can be as many godparents as you see fit. After all, these people you deem, are to be the caretakers when and if you go before your children.

    I think its silly, personally, that they are choosing two just because they're having twins. But, its their choice, ultimately.

    We don't always agree on ANYTHING people do - too much mayo, not enough paint, eat more veggies, eat some meat, stop 50ft away, slow down, speed up, green, yellow, aqua, mauve, chartreuse, homeschooling, public, private, daycare, at-home, Doctor, lawyer, favorite color, breast or bottle, and SO ON!!! :D

    We can all agree to disagree, and just learn to respect people (and LOVE them), and learn to compromise and move on. In this case, its not your choice to compromise. You just need to love and respect them, and change your point of view. What if you die before the other person? Or, what if you suddenly became unstable in life, and could only take one child.

    This woman is not trying to play favorites. She is thinking of her babies and their future. You know? What if....?

    Personally, yes, I strongly feel its wrong for you. You're not thinking of the kids, which is what this is ALL about in the end. You can be upset. You have a right to be. I'd be annoyed like mad if that happened, I'll admit. But the RIGHT thing to do, is calm down, take a breath, and gather your thoughts.

    Btw, have they put thought as to exactly how they're going to work out the whole arrangement of who's going to take care of which child(ren) and all that? You should ask, and it should be done in writing for legal reasons. If this is just for labels, then you should definitely not be mad. Irritated? YES! Mad? No. :)

    God bless ya! :)

  2. They can have you as godmother to one twin and the other friend as godmother to the other twin.  My oldest son has two godmothers because there was no way I could choose between my two bestfriends and they completely understand that.  They both love my boys and want the best for them and since we are all three bestfriends for so long it just made sense I guess.  My younger sons godparents are my step-sister and her husband but they just aren't as involved as I was hoping I guess.  Really there is nothing wrong with having another godparent too, usually you have a godmother and godfather and in your case there will be two godmothers just like with my son.  Being a godmother is a spiritual guidance job, you will be there to guide the twins when they need you.  

  3. There is no need to be jealous. They are just including her other friend who also wanted to be the godamother. I wouldn't feel offended unless she told you she changed her mind b/c she wants the other girl to be their godparents!  

  4. I think it will be nice for each child to have their own set of godparents. It will make it more special for the kids. Being a godparent is a big responsibility and being a godmother to two kids so close in age would be a lot.

  5. Okay first off being a Godparent isn't about who's a better friend, blah, blah, blah! A Godparent is supposed to be a person that will help and support the child throughout their religious upbringing.

    Anyway, you have no reason to be jealous. They are having two babies so two Godmothers makes complete sense to me. If they had one baby now and you were the Godmother and then another in two years would you be pissed that you weren't the second baby's Godmother?

    And yes it is wrong to change your mind now over something so petty.

    Also just to clear something up . . . Godparents do not get custody of the children if something happens to the parents. Unless they happen to also be the named the guardian of the child in the parents will. My kids Godparents and their guardians are not the same person. It is a common misconception though.

  6. yes you are, its good for the kids to have more, its normal to have all from 1-5 where i grown up. A godparent become as another family member, and the more the merrier, they also should be unique to the kid (at least within sibling packs), while some of my godparents may be so to other kids as well they are not to any of my sibs they were My godparents, something we all had for ourself. And with twins they sertainly can need some individual person attention because there is going to be so much preasure of them being twins, while they in reality need to develop distinct personalities.

    So i think the parents are quite rigth in not having them share godparents, for that kid your going to be something in its life it dont have to for once share with its twin, but who only focus on him/her

    And you know what if this is all it takes for you to question your loyalty to the task, then i think you should draw out, because this has Nothing Nada Whatsoever to do with your friendships or whatnot, it has Everything to do with what is good for the Child. A godparent is there for the child not the parent, and in fact as such recomendations in many cases goes sligthly against friends and towards family even if they at todays date is not as close, because family is there for life, while friends can and will drift in and out, and such the child loose an important figure to them...and you sertainly is not heading towards the path of proving such an advice wrong.

    A godparents job is to raise the child in the religion, help them learn the religion untill they are old enough to take on the responsibility themself through confirmation. Your making a promise on behalf of the kid to be religious and a promise to help the kid be so through educating it. A godparent have no legal guardian rigths if something happen with the parents (unless in the exceptions of the parents making a will stating so), so in fact they are not the one who will foster the kids in most cases if the parents dies, rather grandparents or aunts/uncles are the ones who are more likely to become the new parents.

    God parent is not the one responsible for the daily raising of the kid, only the religious raising, and as such there can really be as many or few as the parents want.

    Normaly there is at least 2 godparents to each kid in fact, and mostly parents prefer to have at least one of each gender, its as said quite normal to have 3 and 4 as well, 1 and 5 (or more) is less normal in fact. So yeah you have it all backwards, for one you only should be godmother to 1 of them, for two its not normal to have only 1 godparent, so your abnormal in being alone in the responsibility, and I dont understand why them doing what is normal is offending you to the point you want to draw out. Again though, if you are not sure you want to take on this responsibility, then since they are only using 1, I'd advice you to decline if not up to it. Because with only 1, if you redescide and move on in life later that kid is going to be without a godparent, so the kid is the one who looses out. I had several but only like half bothered to be there for me, i cant imagine if my parents had only picked one of those who wasnt, i def would been jealous of the sibs, and wondering why my parents didnt pick better godparents for me.

    The kid wont understand your adult disputes, it will only understand its sib have one and it dont.  So if you aint up for it, let them know so they can find someone who is. Being a godparent is a 15 year comitment to a kid who aint your own...just something for you to chew on.

    edit X

    There has been no change, they have 2 kids, so they need 2 godparents at least (1 for each kid). You are still going to be godmother to their child, they just found out they had another child coming sooner then anticipated, and such naturaly for the equation to go up need another godparent. God parents are unique to each kid, being a godparent is not like a parent, you aint a godparent to all of its sibs, you are a mentor and advicor only to that one kid. Something it has alone not to be shared with its sibs. Some churches even have specific numbers like the angelican church the tradition dictates explsitly that there are 3, two of the childs own gender and one of the oposite gender. All depending most churches also would demand you are christian, and some demand you stood confirmation (which by the sound of it you probably havent because you dont seem acustomed to godparent traditions)

    I think you need to read up a little on what a godparent is, because its not an award.

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