
How many people did participate in olampic start and end show? and how much money chines paid for show?

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How many people did participate in olampic start and end show? and how much money chines paid for show?




  1. More than 15,000 in the Opening Ceremony and more than 7,000 different performers in the Closing Ceremony.

  2. It was reported they may have used as many as 1 million volunteers. The cost of ther costumes and props who knows? A lot. Then they built all the venues - Bird's nest, Watercube, had to pay for clean up of the water venues. Took a billion cars off the road to clear the air.

    Lots of dough was spent.

  3. 40 billion

  4. I've heard over 100,000 voluntiers were used,    and

    They used $60,000,000 +.   Includes building the birds nest

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