
How many people die in alcohol related car accidents worldwide everyday?

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  1. Impaired driving will affect one in three Americans during their lifetime. In 2003, 17,013 people died in alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes, accounting for 40% of all traffic-related deaths in the U.S. (NHTSA 2004).

    Each year, alcohol-related crashes in the United States cost about $51 billion (. Most drinking and driving episodes go undetected. In 2002, about 1.5 million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics (NHTSA 2004).

    That’s slightly more than one percent of the 120 million self-reported episodes of alcohol–impaired driving among U.S. adults each year

    An alcohol-related motor vehicle crash kills someone every 31 minutes and nonfatally injures someone every two minutes (NHTSA 2006).  

    Drugs other than alcohol (e.g., marijuana and cocaine) are involved in about 18% of motor vehicle driver deaths. These other drugs are generally used in combination with alcohol 2003.


    Each year, alcohol-related crashes in the United States cost about $51 billion

    An estimated 1.17 million deaths occur each year worldwide due to road accidents. The majority of these deaths, about 70 percent, occur in developing countries.

    Sixty-five percent of deaths involve pedestrians and 35 percent of pedestrian deaths are children. Over 10 million people are crippled or injured each year.

    It is estimated that more than 200 U.S. citizens die each year due to road accidents abroad. The majority of road crash victims (injuries and fatalities) in developing countries are not the motor vehicle occupants, but pedestrians, motorcyclists, bicyclists and non-motor vehicles (NMV) occupants.

    U.S. citizens are urged to review the Road Safety segment of the Department of State's.

    This is all that I could find, hope that it helps.

  2. Thousands! I think they should have a world wide drunk driver lane, so they would only have accidents with others like themselves.

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