
How many people die on the golf course each year? (lightning cardiac head traumas etc)?

by  |  earlier

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surely from these answers golf has one of the highest death counts in the world for a sport




  1. There are no national or global statistics kept for this type of incident, so the only way to determine a number would be purely anecdotal and not at all accurate.

  2. Im not sure but there are also courses in African plains and there have been many deaths at these courses because of lion and hyeena attacks.

  3. Apparently bowls has the highest death count in the world for on course deaths.

    Figures I s'ppose.

  4. I'm not sure but I had a group in front of me the other day that was playing so slow I drove up to them and asked what was holding them up.  One of the guys said, sorry for the delay but Harry died a few holes ago and we've had to hit the ball and drag Harry, hit the ball and drag Harry....

  5. as many that get hit by a ball or have illness usally about 100 per year

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