
How many people dies for natural causes while driving each year?

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I am interested to know the chance of death for natural causes (Not accident) for a driver while driving a vehicle. is there any statistics in this?




  1. search it up on google

  2. There must be a lot because I know of at least two that has happened to my acquaintances. One crashed into a bridge and the autopsy showed that he died before impact and a friend of mine was hit head on by a car whose driver had died at the wheel.

    Your local road transport authority may be able to help you with some statistics.

  3. The same chance while not driving

  4. that i do not know but i would like to know

  5. I would say the it would be around 5 percent.

  6. The Problem is: If somebody dies while driving a car he normally causes an accident.

    Even if it is recogized that the accedent happened because of natural death of the driver there will be many cases where it is generally agreed that the driver died because of the accident.

    So statistic would be wrong anyway (as always).

    I am from Austria and I looked for statistics in the german speaking room and did not found anything that could help you.


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