
How many people do you know that are vegetarian?

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I'm one, so I was just wondering if there are a lot of others out there.





  1. Well quite a few and more and more people are going that way I think because of agricultural animal factoring.  Even though animals can be used for food they should still certainly be treated humanly.  I have seen horrific things on the internet on how some of these animals are treated and they do suffer and they do feel pain.  And thats not fair.  Cows who are down with a broken leg and can't get up being rammed with a fork lift ... ducks who are force fed three times a day till they are so fat they cannot walk and never get to swim in water and given filthy water to drink...pigs kept in pens all their lives so small they cannot even turn around...and little calves who are born and get to spend one day with their mothers then are chained up and kept in small pens and not allowed to move so their meat is tender... oh the horror in their eyes.  That is no way to treat our animals.  If they are to use as food they deserve to be treated well and should never made to feel prolonged suffering

  2. I know of three.. There may others in my social circle but I don't know for sure

    I don't ask and they are not required to tell...

  3. only me and now you:)

  4. I only know two, me and my friend. It's funny, everyone thinks we're weird....

  5. one

  6. only 2.. plus me

  7. I don't know any vegetarians or vegans sadly!! Wish I had some vegan friends!!

  8. I know no one.

  9. I know three. One is an ex-physicist turned mystic and occult healer, one is a health food nut, and the third is a mathematician with phobias. I love 'em all.

  10. we are vegetarian for centuries  and almost all Jains are vegetarian

  11. Gosh, at least 30. I went to high school with a few back in the early '90s. Whether they're still vegetarian today, I'm not 100 percent sure.

    I lived in NYC for quite awhile, and it's easy to find vegetarians there. I mean, in a company of 28, I worked with two others.

    Then, I moved to Maryland for graduate school, where I met at least two more vegetarians and a vegan just in my program. Around five years ago, I had oral surgery, and my surgeon told me he was vegetarian, too. Later, I took a job where worked with a vegan. She and her husband were, and they were raising their three daughters vegan as well.

    And, then, I joined a No Kidding! chapter, and one of the women in the group is vegan.

    Finally, there are people in the local vegetarian group...

    I'd be more surprised if you lived in a city or college town where you could NOT find a decent number of vegetarians!

  12. None

  13. I'm super fortunate when it comes to knowing fellow vegetarians.

    My boyfriend (thank GOD!) is vegetarian, has been for about 6 years now.

    His little sister is too.

    I knew three other girls when I was in highschool.

    My friend's aunt is.

    And other random friends are also.

  14. 1

  15. me and wifey are veggie, none of our friends are.

    We get to meet a few 1,000 veggies a year at our veggie business though.

    Soem of the people you already know might actually be veggie, its not like we all go around wearing "I'm a veggie" T Shirts. I doubt if more than 5% of our friends know we're veggie.

  16. i only know 2. me and my friend

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