
How many people do you need on a cheerleading squad?

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My school thinks that you need over nine people, is that true? I'm trying to start a squad and it's not easy when almost everybody does baseball, basketball, soccer, and other things. do I NEED nine people?




  1. i have six on my squad, so just go with whatever number you find :)

  2. i have six on my squad, so just go with whatever number you find :)

  3. i have six on my squad, so just go with whatever number you find :)

  4. you dont need a maximum or minimum number of people on a sqaud.. i live in a small town and i cheer, and we only had three j.v. cheerleaders, four varsity and 5 freshmen, then one of our j.v. girls quit in the middle of football season so we only had 2 jv cheerleaders, we just had some freshmen cheerleaders that wanted to cheer with the jv girls come and cheer with them.. so you really dont need a set number of girls. just take what you get and work with it

  5. i think you need like 15 - 20 because you always want more than one stunt group, and you will a;ways want backup just in case people are gone or something. so definately more than 6-8:)

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